1991-001—Dallas Police Department Records Related to the Assassination of John F Kennedy,
1991-002—George M Dallas Lithograph, 1941
1991-003—Official City Songs, 1961, 1970
1991-004—The Kessler Plan, 1911-1930
1991-005—Petition for Fire Department Telephone Expenses, 1882
1991-006—Petitions and Documents Regarding Telephone Poles, 1881-1890
1991-007—Land Use Petition from EG Bauer, 1883
1991-008—Oak Cliff Sewerage Company Takeover of Citizens Sewerage, 1903 |
1991-009—Letter to CJ Beam from RS Druly, 1872
1991-010—Letter From HA Dixon to City Secretary Earl Goforth, 1947 |
1991-011—White Rock Lake, 1909-1910 |
1991-012—Transcript Information Bonds of Chapman and Cutler, Chicago Illinois, 1937-1940
1991-013—Central Boulevard Table of Resolutions, undated |
1991-014—Elections - Opinions of the Texas Attorney General, 1952-1953
1991-015—East/West Expressway Resolutions, 1952-1955 |
1991-016—Dallas City Code, 1889-2001
1991-017—Proprietary Schools - Board Minute Book, 1968-1971 |
1991-018—Mayor's Criminal Justice Task Force Report, 1986 |
1991-019—Dallas Police Department Historical Reports, Records, and Newsletters, 1930-Current |
1991-020—Health Department Historical Reports, 1954-1972
1991-021—Civil Service Board Reports, 1931-1972
1991-022—City of Dallas Housing Department, 1938-1999
1991-023—The Dallas Employees' Retirement Fund and City of Dallas Fire and Police Pension Funds, 1952-1993
1991-024—WRR Municipal Radio, 1921-2020
1991-025—Dallas Fire-Rescue Department Historical Records, 1919-2001 |
1991-026—Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company, 1904, 1913-1917
1991-027—East Dallas Water Supply Company, 1886-1890 |
1991-028—Southern Methodist University Sewer Contract, 1914 |
1991-029—Establishment of the Dallas Public Library System, 1900 |
1991-030—Gill Well Bath House Agreement, 1905
1991-031—Dallas Gas Company and Lone Star Gas Company, 1910-1917
1991-032—Railroad Grade Separations in Dallas, 1915-1917
1991-033—Railroads and the Union Terminal Company, 1890-1917 |
1991-034—Dallas Railway Company, Interurbans, and Electric Railway, 1890-1933
1991-035—[Unassigned] |
1991-036—Exposition Park Paving Petition, 1904-1929
1991-037—Callahan Construction Company and Garza Dam, 1924–1926
1991-038—Municipal Auditorium Specifications, 1938
1991-039—Memorandum of Agreement – Union Terminal Company, 1924 |
1991-040—Land Acquisitions in Other Texas Counties, 1903, 1924-1927
1991-041—TE Shutt – Garza Dam Contract, 1924
1991-042—Trunk Sewer Line, 1924 |
1991-043—Dallas Power and Light Company, 1888, 1912-1922, 1943
1991-044—Street Paving and Construction Plats, 1931-1932
1991-045—Petition to Abandon Claim to Street, Grace Burr to City of Dallas, 1919
1991-046—Petition to Abandon Claim to Alley, WJ McCray to City of Dallas, 1919
1991-047—Carrollton Dam Contract, 1912 |
1991-048—Dallas Municipal Building and Fred A Jones Company Bankruptcy, 1913
1991-049—Oak Cliff Election Precinct Creation, 1913
1991-050—[Unassigned] |
1991-051—Street Paving, Widening, and Improvements, 1889-1930 |
1991-052—Vital Statistics, 1931-1957 |
1991-053—Annual Reports of the City of Dallas, 1888-Current |
1991-054—Dallas Water Heater Hearing Proceedings and Report, 1939 |
1991-055—Survey of Dallas Businesses, 1987-1988 |
1991-056—DART and the Dallas Transit System, 1971-1987 |
1991-057—Redbird Airport Development Plans, 1970, 1987 |
1991-058—Report from the Mayor's Task Force on High Technology, 1984
1991-059—Economic Development Advisory Board – Dallas Data Book, 1984
1991-060—Dallas Water Utilities Records, 1882-Current
1991-061—[Unassigned] |
1991-062—City of Dallas Budgets and Financial Reports, 1916-Current |
1991-063—City of Fruitdale, 1937-1964 |
1991-064—City of Kleberg, 1956-1978 |
1991-065—City of Dallas Construction and Fire Codes, 1905-1997 |
1991-066—Dallas Water Utilities Sewage Treatment and Disposal and Water Purification, 1912-1938 |
1991-067—Petition Protesting Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, 1920 |
1991-068—Vickery Place Addition, 1920 |
1991-069—Lagow Independent School District Annexation, 1919 |
1991-070—Fairland Annex Segregated Housing Materials, 1920 |
1991-071—Caruth Place Addition, 1920
1991-072—J Mercer Carter Interurban Franchise Ordinances, 1906, 1908
1991-073—Ordinance Book of City Electrical Regulations, 1918, 1924 |
1991-074—Dallas City Charter, 1871-current |
1991-075—Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan, 1986 |
1991-076—Appointed Officials Handbook, 1972
1991-077—Dallas Citizens Council Arts Task Force – Survey of Company Arts Support in Dallas, 1987 |
1991-078—City Logos, 1972-1985 |
1991-079—Fair Park, 1888-1930, 1972-1992 |
1991-080—Annual Independent Audit Reports, 1931-1950
1991-081—Municipal News and Views, 1946-1947
1991-082—City of Dallas Telephone Directories, 1949-1999 |
1991-083—Long-term Facility Planning Paper, 1987
1991-084—Dallas Police Department Pay Raise Dispute, 2000
1991-085—Street and Sanitation, 1989 |
1991-086—Tax Collection - Historical Items and Reports, 1955-1959
1991-087—City of Oak Cliff, 1891-1904, 1930 |
1991-088—Board of Equalization, 1931-1976 |
1991-089—Flag - Design for Municipal Flag, 1916
1991-090—Early City Council Minutes, 1866-1905
1991-091—Contracts - Bound Volumes and Index, 1898-1917 |
1991-092—Land Acquisitions (excludes Fair Park), 1894-1916 |
1991-093—City of Dallas – Departmental Functions and Operations, 1941 |
1991-094—City of Dallas Zoning – Early Ordinances, 1929-1965 |
1991-095—Department of City Planning – Includes Some Zoning, 1965-1987 |
1991-096—Examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers and Plumbing Appeals Advisory, 1940-1969 |
1991-097—City of Dallas Stationery, 1890, 1905, 1940s, 1968, 1972-73, undated |
1991-098—Publications, 1956-Current |
1991-099—Love Field, 1920-1941, 1966, 1987, 1996
1991-100—Dallas Population Handbook, 1960 |
1991-101—Park and Recreation – Brochures and Publications, 1977-1999
1991-102—City of Dallas Sign Manuals, 1978-1983
1991-103—Voting Rights Act – Analeslie Muncy, 1975
1991-104—Bond-Financed Capital Improvement Program, 1972-1973 |
1991-105—Cable Television, 1973 |
1991-106—Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, 1965-2001 |
1991-107—South Dallas/Fair Park Neighborhood Preservation Economic Development Plan, 1987
1991-108—City of Renner, 1953-1977 |
1991-109—Dallas Citizens Charter Review Commission, 1985-1989 |
1991-110—Town of Preston Hollow, 1939-1945
1991-111—Municipal Bond Certificates, 1874-1972
1991-112—City of Dallas Parks, 1889-1995
1991-113—City Hall – Main Street Land Abstracts, 1881-1914, 1954
1991-114—Town of Honey Springs, 1937-1947 |
1991-115—Redistricting Commission, 1991 |
1991-116—[Unassigned] |
1991-117—Texas Coal Company Contracts, 1896 |
1991-118—Maple Avenue Property Deeds, 1917-1919 |
1991-119—Dallas County Fresh Water Supply Districts, 1926-1929 |
1991-120—Dallas Flood and Levee Control Districts, 1919-1968 |
1991-121—Dallas County Water Control and Improvement Districts 3, 5, and 7, 1939-1951 |
1991-122—City-County Hospital System, 1933-1940 |
1991-123—Dallas at the Crossroads, 1967-1970 |
1991-124—Dallas City Hall Collection, 1966-1978 |
1991-125—Municipal Administration Center Brochure of Alternates, 1970 |
1991-126—Thoroughfare Studies, 1970, 1985 |
1991-127—State Thomas – Tax Increment Financing District – Project and Financing Plan, 1989 |
1991-128—Park and Recreation – Management Study, 1991 |
1991-129—Audit Reports, 1990-Current |
1991-130—Dallas Boards and Commissions History, 1971-1991
1991-131—Dallas in Magazines and Newspapers, 1967-1993 |
1991-132—Texas Viet Nam Veterans Memorial, 1989-1991 |
1991-133—Dallas City Code Chapter 51 Maps, 1968
1992-001—Mayor Annette Strauss Plaques and Awards, 1985-1991 |
1992-002—Office of Minority Business Opportunity, 1991
1992-003—Deeds, 1874-1968
1992-004—Texas Municipal League Directories of Texas City Officials, 1990-1992
1992-005—Dallas: A Profile and Fact Book, 1984
1992-006—City of Dallas Personnel Rules, 1933-1996
1992-007—City Auditor Letter Book, 1906-1909
1992-008—Oath of Office Certificate books, 1933-1951 |
1992-009—Public Notification Log, 1926-1943 |
1992-010—WW Horner Stormwater Outlet Sewers and Drainage Report, 1931-1936 |
1992-011—Municipal Water Reservoirs in Denton County, 1922-1928 |
1992-012—Incinerators, 1924-1925 |
1992-013—Challenge to Charter Election, 1927
1992-014—Challenge to Municipal Bond Sales, 1927-1930 |
1992-015—Oak Lawn Heights and Related Annexations, 1929-1934
1992-016—Street Directory City of Dallas, 1990
1992-017—City Officials Portrait Collection, 1931-1992
1992-018—Portraits of Park Board Members, 1905-1939 |
1992-019—Election Issues Resource Materials, 1969-1975 |
1992-020—Boy Scouts Letter to Dallas City Council on Recycling, 1992 |
1992-021—Dallas Observer
– Recall Election, 1992 |
1992-022—Building Inspection Division of Economic Development, 1991 |
1992-023—Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, 1991-1996 |
1992-024—Recycling Pamphlets, 1991-1992 |
1992-025—Bound City of Dallas Traffic Ordinances, 1950, 1959, 1974
1992-026—Elections - Historical Resources, 1968-2003
1992-027—Atlas of Split Voting Precincts in the City of Dallas, 1991 |
1992-028—Inaugural Speech of Mayor Steve Bartlett and Farewell Address of Mayor Annette Strauss, 1991
1992-029—Productivity Task Force, 1982-1983 |
1992-030—Board of Equalization, 1980 |
1992-031—Mayor Steve Bartlett State of the City Address, 1992 |
1992-032—Affirmative Action Plans, 1983-1992 |
1992-033—Operational Survival Plan for Dallas and Dallas County, 1958 |
1992-034—Dallas Visions for Community, 1992 |
1993-001—Authority for Records Disposals, 1986+ |
1994-001—Annexation Plat Maps, 1890-1956 |
1994-002—Texas and Pacific Railroad Grade Separations, 1911-1923 |
1994-003—Parade Evaluation Task Force Report, 1993 |
1994-004—Uniform System of Accounts for Telephone Companies, 1913 |
1994-005—Dallas Public Schools Estimated Budget, 1934, 1939 |
1994-006—Board of Equalization and Appeals, 1908 |
1994-007—Continental Avenue Viaduct Over Trinity River, 1930 |
1994-008—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1991
1994-009—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1992
1994-010—City Council Minutes – Bound Volumes, 1866-1977
1994-011—Court Services Scrapbook and Photographs, 1950-1957 |
1994-012—Boards and Commissions, Annual Reports, 1992+ |
1994-013—Organizational Re-engineering, 1994 |
1994-014—Notebooks on Decisions, City Attorney Alex Bickley, 1960-1977 |
1994-015—Goals for Dallas Publications and Memoranda, 1969-1985 |
1994-016—Total Quality Management, 1991 |
1994-017—Innovations, 1978, 1981 |
1994-018—County Appraisal District, 1993-1994 |
1994-019—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1993
1994-020—[Unassigned] |
1994-021—[Unassigned] |
1994-022—Armstrong Index, 1946-1966 |
1994-023—Annexation in Dallas Policy and Planning Procedures, 1972 |
1994-024—Zoning Ordinance – University Park, 1941 |
1994-025—Consumers Affairs Ordinance, 1973 |
1994-026—Office of Transportation Central Business District Goods and Distribution Project, 1980 |
1994-027—Department of Transportation Bike Plan, 1985 |
1994-028—Private Industry Council of Dallas, Inc., 1992-1993 |
1994-029—Strategic Business Plan for Southern Dallas and Enterprise Zones, 1994-1999 |
1994-030—Detailed Insurance Study, 1931
1994-031—Weights and Measures Ordinance Bound Volume, 1936 |
1994-032—Analysis of the Procurement Process and Function, 1980 |
1994-033—Dallas Transit System, 1973-1987
1994-034—Designs for Dallas, 1970 |
1994-035—Fair Park Music Hall Renovations, 1970
1994-036—Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, 1965 |
1994-037—Basic Financial and Improvement Plan for the City of Dallas, 1940 |
1994-038—Annual Report of the Traffic Control Department, 1956 |
1994-039—Plans of Proposed State Highway Improvement Highway 175, 1939 |
1994-040—Central Boulevard Project – Part One, Houston Texas Central Railway, 1940 |
1994-041—City Council Candidate Orientation Materials, 1991 |
1994-042—City Council Inauguration Planning Materials, 1981, 1985 |
1994-043—City Council Inauguration, 1983
1994-044—City Council Inauguration Planning Materials, 1980-1983
1994-045—City of Dallas Executives, Biographical Sketches, 1982
1994-046—Economic Development, 1989
1994-047—City Council Inauguration Materials, 1993 |
1994-048—Department of Street and Sanitation Services Recycling Plan, 1990
1994-049—Vision Report, Department of Street and Sanitation Services, 1989 |
1994-050—Proposed Dis-annexation of Oak Cliff, 1990-1991 |
1994-051—[Unassigned] |
1994-052—Dallas Business Development, 1990, undated
1994-053—Dallas Public Library Management Review Final Report Volumes I and II, 1991
1994-054—Linear Waterway Study for the Farmer's Market Area of Downtown Dallas, 1991
1994-055—Dallas First: A Comprehensive Economic Study on the City of Dallas & Its Suburbs, 1990
1994-056—Speeches of City Officials, 1982-1998 |
1994-057—Public Information Office Records |
1995-001—Department of Aviation Policies, 1979, 1986
1995-002—City of Dallas Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program Materials, 1989 |
1995-003—Dallas Convention Center Master Plan Proposal, 1986 |
1995-004—Review of the Department of Public Works, 1977 |
1995-005—Property Inventory of City of Dallas Mayor and Commissioners, 1909 |
1995-006—City of Dallas Planning Policies Guide, 1984
1995-007—[Unassigned] |
1995-008—Report of the Dallas Citizens Council Privatization Task Force, 1988 |
1995-009—Equipment, Communications, and Information Services, 1985-1987 |
1995-010—City Council Agenda Sample in Braille, 1994 |
1995-011—Report on the Task Force on Public Housing, 1983 |
1995-012—Company Management Study, 1984 |
1995-013—Public Intoxication Study, 1985 |
1995-014—Citizens Surveys [Housing], 1980, 1983 |
1995-015—Dallas United – DPD Task Force, 1988 |
1995-016—Arts District, 1984 |
1995-017—History of the City in Brief, 1970 |
1995-018—Northwest Highway Design, 1969
1995-019—Dallas Citizens Charter Review Commission Files from Chair Ray Hutchison, 1989-1995 |
1995-020—Posters - Events and Publicity, 1981-2012 |
1995-021—White Rock Lake Dredging, 1930-1942 |
1995-022—White Rock Lake General Subject Files, 1921-1991
1995-023—Dallas Department of Park and Recreation General Subject Files, 1911-1960
1995-024—[Unassigned] |
1995-025—Park Board Annual Reports, 1911-1995, 2002-2003 |
1995-026—Park and Recreation – Construction and Concessions, 1923-1940
1995-027—Fair Park, 1905-1918, 1930-1952 |
1995-029—City Council Inauguration, 1995
1995-030—Everette Lee DeGolyer Estate, 1972-1990
1995-031—WW Samuell Estate, 1886-1977
1995-032—Park and Recreation Subject Files: Dealey Plaza, 1940-1942
1995-033—Recreation Manuals, 1943-1983 |
1995-034—The Ulrickson Committee Report, 1927-1930 |
1995-035—Dallas Zoo (Marsalis Park), 1952-1955, 1968-1980, 1991 |
1995-036—Dallas Police Department Park Patrol Manuals, 1957-1985 |
1995-037—Park and Playground System (Publication), 1921-1923 |
1995-038—Park and Recreation – Maps
1995-039—Memorials and Monuments, 1936, 1959-1982 |
1995-040—Park and Recreation – Management Studies, 1977-1981 |
1995-041—Audit Reports and Budgets – Park and Recreation Funds, 1931-1961 |
1995-042—Park and Recreation – Time Logbooks, c. 1912-1920 |
1995-043—Park and Recreation - Works Progress Administration Records, 1939-1940
1995-044—White Rock Lake Improvements, 1956-1982 |
1995-045—State Fair of Texas Reports and Studies, 1908-1986 |
1995-046—Dallas Museum of Art, 1926+ |
1995-047—Grauwyler Park and John and Emma Grauwyler, 1827-1963 |
1996-001—Office of the City Secretary, 1993-2009 |
1996-002—City Ordinances Index, 1871-1974
1996-003—Park and Recreation – Centennial History Working Papers and Research Materials, 1972-1976 |
1996-004—Auditor's Reports, 1977-1989 |
1996-005—Majestic Theatre Renovations, 1937-1997
1996-006—Citizen Input Summary – General Obligation Bond, 1995 |
1996-007—Cityplace Area Project and Financing Plan, 1993
1996-008—Dallas Public Art Planning Reports, 1977-1987 |
1996-009—Sports Arena Investigation, 1978-1997 |
1996-010—City Plan Commission Membership List, 1919-1989 |
1996-011—Report on City of Dallas Fixed Properties, 1939
1996-012—Bond-Financed Capital Improvement Programs, 1958, 1962, 1964 |
1996-013—City of Dallas Program of Services, 1975 |
1996-014—[Unassigned] |
1996-015—Fair Park Aquarium Feasibility Study, 1994 |
1996-016—Five Mile Creek Flood Plain Management Plan, 1976
1996-017—Purchasing, 1960-1995 |
1996-018—Space Requirements Report for the Municipal Administration Center, 1966
1996-019—Study of the Organization and Operations of the Dallas City Council, 1973
1996-020—Report on City Government by Marketing Research Counselors, 1971
1996-021—American Legion National Convention, 1964 |
1996-022—Wildflower Research Center, 1983 |
1996-023—Dallas Health and Science Museum, 1947-1985
1996-024—Central District Development Plan, 1970 |
1996-025—Land Transactions Map and Dallas City Hall, 1912-1971 |
1996-026—Friends of the Dallas Public Library -
The First Forty Years, 1991 |
1996-027—Mayor Ron Kirk State of The City Address, 1996, 1999
1996-028—Beer Sales in University Park, 1928-1930
1996-029—Citizens Information Task Force, 1985 |
1996-030—Independent Audit Financial Reports, 1974
1996-031—Bond Programs, 1962-current
1996-032—Dallas Museum of Natural History, 1967-1981, undated |
1996-033—Office of the City Manager – Organizational Structure, 1996
1996-034—Pauper's Cemetery and the Henninger-Brewer Company, 1914 |
1996-035—The Dallas Plan, 1994
1996-036—Corporate Strategic Plan, 1994, 1997
1996-037—Annual City Council and Management Planning Session, 1995
1996-038—STAR - Dallas Public Library Computer System, 1996
1996-039—Annexation Ordinance Project, 1903-1993
1996-040—City Ordinances – Bound Volumes, 1871-1978
1996-041—City Council Minutes Indexes, 1917-1967
1997-001—Records Management Policy Committee, 1995
1997-002—Sanitary Sewer Construction Contracts, 1910-1915
1997-003—Street Paving Contracts – Texas Bitulithic Company, 1904-1909 |
1997-004—Street Improvements, 1907-1908
1997-005—Sidewalk Paving, 1911-1918
1997-006—Dallas Convention Center Expansion, 1969 |
1997-007—Dallas Transit Master Plan Committee, 1961-1967 |
1997-008—City of Dallas Sports Commission, 1965-1971 |
1997-009—Public Welfare, 1938-1946
1997-010—Advisory Public Health Board, 1947-1969, undated |
1997-011—Branch Library Service for Dallas Report, 1958 |
1997-012—Air Quality, 1968 |
1997-013—Dilution of Natural Gas at Joshua Plant Report, 1935 |
1997-014—Barber Asphalt Paving Company Contracts, 1900-1906 |
1997-015—Winslett-Eldridge Company Contracts, 1910-1916 |
1997-016—Dallas Lime and Gravel Company Contracts, 1911-1917 |
1997-017—Tax Assessments Filed with Dallas County, 1931-1932 |
1997-018—Municipal Bond Sales, 1927-1946 |
1997-019—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1997 |
1997-020—Municipal Building Contracts, 1913-1914
1997-021—Public Utility Service Corporation Annual Reports, 1911-1922 |
1997-022—Sewer Contracts with CW Olcott, 1909-1916 |
1997-023—Fair Park Improvements, 1941-1980, undated |
1997-024—Robert S Sloan, City Secretary Retirement, 1997
1997-025—Dallas Area Rapid Transit Light Rail Opening, 1996 |
1997-026—City-County Industrial School for Boys Board of Managers Minutes, 1938-1960 |
1997-027—City-County Public Welfare Board, 1956-1959
1997-028—Public Utilities Hearings, 1969-1973
1997-029—Mayor Steve Bartlett Plaques and Awards
1997-030—City Park - Preliminary Research Brochure by James A Newett, 1965
1997-031—Cultural Affairs Division of the Department of Park and Recreation, 1971 |
1997-032—Park Board Secretary Correspondence, 1960-1978
1997-033—Juanita Jewel Craft Recreation Center Dedication, 1974
1997-034—Facility Needs of the Performing Arts in Dallas, 1972
1997-035—Natural Open Space Plan, 1979
1997-036—Building Inspection Newsletter -
Building Express, 1990 |
1997-037—Park Board and Lady Bird Johnson, 1975 |
1997-038—Dallas County Beverly Hills Fresh Water District No. 2 |
1997-039—Bonds and Contracts, 1905-1906 |
1998-001—Cole Purchase and Turtle Creek Land Acquisitions, 1914-1918 |
1998-002—Trinity River Improvements, 1997 |
1998-003—Election - Campaign Expense Reports, 1969 |
1998-004—The Bartholomew Plan, 1943-1957
1998-005—Abstracts of Title for Street Improvements, 1888-1945 |
1998-006—Employee Benefits Packages, 1981, 1990-1991 |
1998-007—Dallas Public Library Association, 1900-1901, 1912, 1952 |
1998-008—WT White Letter and Lease Regarding Dallas Public Schools, 1944, 1947 |
1998-009—Martinez Anti-Tuberculosis Fund, 1917 |
1998-010—Traffic Signals – Garrett Patents, 1937
1998-011—City Council Compensation, 1941 |
1998-012—Capital Improvement Program –
Dallas at the Crossroads, 1967-1972 |
1998-013—Quality Customer Service Action Plan |
1998-014—Legislative Program |
1998-015—The State of the Community: Implications For Intergroup Relations, 1998 |
1999-001—Map Collection, 1835-1999 |
1999-002—Photographs Not Related to Other Collections |
1999-003—City Photographer Collection, 1900-1999
1999-004—City Plan Commission Minute Books, 1919-1983
1999-005—City of Dallas Urban Rehabilitation Standards Board Minutes, 1958-1986 |
1999-006—Personnel Pay Plans |
1999-007—Dallas Fire Department Training Records, 1965-1990
1999-008—Personnel – Council Resolutions |
2000-001—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1999 |
2000-002—Public Information Office Photographs, 1985-1999 |
2001-001—Dallas City Council and Oak Cliff Town Meeting Videotapes, 1989-1999 |
2001-002—Dallas Municipal Archives Artifacts Collection, 1890, 1947-1987
2001-003—Love Field Album and Photographs, 1918-1993 |
2001-004—Dallas Police Academy Motion Picture Film and Videotape, 1957-1973, 1984-1991 |
2001-005—Ethics Commission, 2001 |
2001-006—Public Works and Transportation Department Publications, 1990-2000 |
2001-007—Revenue and Tax Division, 1989 |
2002-001—Park and Recreation – Plans and Drawings, 1903-2002
2002-002—Public Works Department, 1910-1973 |
2002-003—Dallas Water Utilities Project Documentation, 1960-1991 |
2002-004—Public Works and Transportation Department Photographs, 1926, 1944, 1972, 1979-1995 |
2002-005—Charter Review Commission, 2002-2003 |
2002-006—WRR Audiotape, 1991-1998
2002-007—Fair Park Mural Conservation, 1999-2000 |
2002-008—Human Resources Photographs, 1988-1999
2002-009—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 1998 |
2003-001—Aerial Map Photographs of Dallas, Texas 1930, 1949, 1974, 1979 |
2003-002—Park and Recreation – Photograph Collection, 1910-2004 |
2003-003—Dallas City Council Portrait, 1963 |
2003-004—Master Plan Minority Report [Elizabeth Blessing], 1963 |
2003-005—City of Dallas Mayor Portraits, 1894-2001 |
2003-006—Employee Retirement Fund |
2003-007—Dallas Public Library Publications |
2003-008—Planning Department Maps |
2003-009—Park and Recreation Department Renaissance Plan |
2003-010—History of the Dallas Zoo |
2003-011—External Audits
2003-012—Plat Maps on Microfilm |
2003-013—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2001 |
2003-014—Vector Control Program Photographs, c. 1935-1968
2003-015—Report on the Dallas Park System, 1934 |
2003-016—Dallas Police Headquarters Mural Installation, 2003 |
2003-017—Dallas Public Library Master Plan, 2000-2010 |
2003-018—City Attorney's Office Photographs, 1965 |
2003-019—Dallas and Fort Worth City Councils Joint Meeting, 2002 |
2003-020—City Manager Speeches, 1989-1994
2003-021—Computer and Information Services Slides |
2003-022—Code of Ethics and Conduct Task Force, 1975-1980 |
2003-023—Dallas Development Guide, 1987-1997 |
2004-001—Garza Dam Scrapbook
2004-002—Park and Recreation - Property History, 1959
2004-003—Oak Cliff Boulevard Median Plans, 1925-1946
2004-004—[Unassigned] |
2004-005—Dallas Park Board |
2004-006—Park and Recreation – Reports, Studies, and Administrative Documents, 1964-2004
2005-001—Forward Dallas!
2005-002—Sid Stahl Dallas Park Board Papers, 1975-1979
2005-003—Abstracts of Title (including Samuell Estate), 1902-1963 |
2005-004—Code Enforcement |
2005-005—Public Works Survey Division Cemetery Files, 1887-2005 |
2005-006—Fair Park Esplanade Sculpture Conservation Report, 2004 |
2006-001—Dallas Planning Department Publications and Related Materials, 1966-1990 |
2006-002—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2005 |
2006-003—Park and Recreation – Centers and Facilities |
2006-004—Public Works and Transportation Department Maps, Plans, and Drawings |
2006-005—Miguel Casanova Photographs, 1986-2001 |
2006-006—Dallas Executive Airport Ribbon Cutting, 2006 |
2007-001—City Council Photographs and Videotape |
2007-002—Mayor Laura Miller Photographs
2008-001—City of Dallas Civil Defense Administrative Files, 1958 |
2008-002—Earl Hart Family – White Rock Lake Collection, 1926-1948 |
2008-003—Equipment and Building Services Photographs, 1997-1999
2010-001—[Unassigned] |
2010-002—Dallas Fire Department Photographs |
2010-003—Jim Anderson Planning Department Collection, 1965-1996 |
2010-004—Dallas Farmers Market – Henry Forschmidt Collection |
2010-005—Surtran Records |
2010-006—Dallas Motion Picture Classification Board Records, 1966-1993
2010-007—Performing Arts Center Dallas – Funding, Campaign, and Opening Materials |
2010-008—City of Dallas Tax Rolls, 1880-1981 |
2011-001—Goforth Family Papers |
2011-002—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2011 |
2011-003—Communication and Information Services Albums and Artifacts |
2012-001—City of Dallas Historic Preservation Program Files, 1978, 1982-1986 |
2012-002—Public Information Office Video and Photography, 2001-2011 |
2012-003—City of Dallas Historic American Building Survey/Section 106 Documentation Files |
2012-004—US Census Data and Correspondence, 1990, 2000 |
2012-005—Dallas Redistricting Commission Records, 2001 |
2012-006—Park and Recreation – Plaques and Memorials Documentation, 1971-1979 |
2012-007—City of Dallas Health Department Program Files and Photographs, 1948-2005 |
2013-001—City of Dallas Street Lighting Project Photographs, 1949-1968
2013-002—Kidd Springs Creative Playground Scrapbook and Photographs |
2013-003—Dallas Memorial Auditorium Time Capsule, 1957 |
2013-004—Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport Joint Revenue Bond Sale Proceedings Transcripts |
2013-005—Bachman Water Purification Plant Plans and Drawings |
2013-006—Aviation Director Files on President John F Kennedy Visit, 1963-1964, 2011-2013
2014-001—Reunion Arena Collection, 1979-2010 |
2014-002—William Oren Trogdon John F Kennedy Assassination Research Collection, 1952-1964 |
2014-003—Dallas Convention Center and Reunion Arena Photographs, 1957-2003
2014-004—Dallas Fire Department Planning for Republican National Convention Security, 1984 |
2014-005—US Conference of Mayors meeting
2014-006—US Census (Dallas Office Records), 2010
2015-001—Delia Jasso Papers
2015-002—Dallas Fire Department Awards Banquets, 1964-1984
2015-003—Board of Adjustment Minutes |
2015-004—Mayor Mike Rawlings Collection |
2015-005—City of Dallas John F Kennedy Commemoration, 2013 |
2015-006—Del Crouser Dallas Transportation Planning and Engineering |
2015-007—Dallas Convention Center Event Files, 2008-2010 |
2015-008—Historic American Building Survey - Dallas Municipal Building, 2014 |
2016-001—South Dallas Cultural Center |
2016-002—[Unassigned] |
2016-003—Amos Saunders Dallas Railway Company Collection |
2016-004—Dallas Police Ambush, 2016 |
2016-005—City Design Studio Publications, 2011-2012, undated |
2016-006—Office of Emergency Management Collection |
2016-007—Walker et al. vs. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, et al. Records, 1989-2003 |
2017-001—Office of the City Secretary Maps |
2017-002—Dallas Water Utilities Maps |
2017-003—Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender Employee Association of Dallas, 2015-2019
2017-004—Dallas Water Utilities Red River Pump Station Collection, 1952-1971 |
2017-005—Emil Fretz - Mary Ellen Holt Collection, 1854-1928 |
2017-006—Mayor's Task Force on Confederate Monuments Collection, 2017-2018 |
2017-007—Francis C Xavier Central Business District Photography Collection, 1980-1983 |
2017-008—Kalita Humphreys Theater Center Master Plan, 2010 |
2018-001—Friends of the Dallas Municipal Archives Collection, 2018-current |
2018-002—Sanitation Department Images
2018-003—Dallas Park Board Minutes, 1905-2003
2018-004—James P McChesney Photography Collection |
2018-005—City Council Inauguration Planning, History, and Video |
2018-006—Mayor's International Ball Records, 1980-1997 |
2018-007—Henry Moore Dallas Piece Videos, 1978-1982 |
2018-008—Pegasus Project Technical Manual |
2018-009—City of Dallas Protest Documentation Collection |
2018-010—Office of Cultural Affairs Public Artist Files |
2018-011—City of Dallas Department of Transportation Sign Shop Operations Collection |
2018-012—Fair Park Operations Collection |
2018-013—Postcard Collection
2018-014—Citizens for Reconciliation and Unity Collection, 2017-2018 |
2018-015—Park and Recreation – Public Relations |
2018-016—Trinity River Corridor Project Documentation and Public Relations |
2019-001—Dallas City Hall Plans and Drawings, 1968-1978 |
2019-002—City Photography |
2019-003—Visit Dallas Collection |
2019-004—Oral Histories, 2018-Current |
2019-005—Dallas Water Utilities Water Conservation Program
2019-006—Adam Medrano Collection
2019-007—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2019
2019-008—Jim Hart Dallas City Council Papers, 1983-1985
2019-009—Lorlee Bartos Political Campaign Materials Collection, 1985-2019 |
2019-010—Frances James Cemetery Files Collection, 1900-2018 |
2019-011—Mayor Eric Johnson Collection |
2019-012—Dallas Municipal Archives Exhibits and Programs |
2019-013—Al Lipscomb Papers, 1959-2011 |
2020-001—Willis Winters Park and Recreation – Administrative Records, 2013-2019 |
2020-002—Tim Dalbey Dallas Archaeological Reports and Studies |
2020-003—City of Dallas COVID-19 Response Collection |
2020-004—CETA City Arts Program
2021-001—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2021 |
2021-002—Botham Jean Boulevard Renaming, 2021 |
2021-003—Traffic Signs Division Collection |
2021-004—Hensley Field Project |
2021-005—Lovita Irby Majestic Theatre Collection |
2021-006—Inez and Pete Teddlie WRR Collection |
2021-007—North Lake Highlands History Project, 1976 |
2022-001—US Army Corps of Engineers Collection |
2022-002—Scott Chase Campaign Materials Collection, 1989-1995 |
2022-003—Dallas Municipal Archives City Photography Collection
2022-004—Office of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program
2022-005—500 South Ervay Architectural Rendering
2023-001—Fair Park Public Art and Plaque Survey
2023-002—Historic Preservation Plans and Drawings
2023-003—Park and Recreation – District 2 Records, 1960-2014 |
2023-004—United States vs. Don Hill Court Exhibits, 2004-2005 |
2023-005—George Potter WRR Photograph and Pamphlet Collection, 1926-1935
2023-006—Mayor Annette Strauss Papers
2023-007—City Council Inauguration Photographs, 2023 |
2023-008—Santiago Calatrava I-35 Highway Sketches Portfolio, 2015 |
2023-009—1994 World Cup Planning Records, 1991-1994 |
2024-001—Dallas County Heritage Association Collection |
2024-002—City of Dallas Departmental Patches |