Municipal Archives

The City of Dallas's charter is the city's constitution.  The charter defines the boundaries, organization, powers, functions, and essential procedures of the city government.

Texas state law defines and lists certain activities as either governmental or proprietary.  Thirty-six functions are governmental, including police and fire protection, health and sanitation, street construction and design, transportation, establishment and maintenance of jails, and enforcement of land use restrictions.  Three functions are proprietary, including the operation and maintenance of a public utility, amusements owned and operated by a city, and any activity that is dangerous or ultra-hazardous.  Functions that are listed as governmental are not included as proprietary functions.

The City of Dallas charter addresses these topics and defines how the City will act.  Charters are living documents and are changed when necessary.  The Dallas charter has been revised multiple times since the first charter in 1856.

The 1968 election significantly changed the charter's contents and organization; consequently, comparisons between earlier charters and current ones are difficult.  Click here to see full online versions of both early and current charters.   Collection 1991-074, Dallas City Charter, 1871-Current contains further information.

Charter revisions 1968-2024

This section shows proposed and actual changes to the City Charter from 1968 to 2024. 

The following table contains a list of City elections, since 1968, which have involved proposed changes to the charter.  Click a link in the Election Date column to see a list of each proposition, read the proposition language, see the Charter chapters affected, and see whether it passed.  Click a link in the Election Ordinance Number column to see a PDF of the election ordinance calling the election.  Click a link in the Canvass Report Number column to see a PDF of the election canvass report. 

Election Date
Election Ordinance  Number Total Number of 
Canvass Report Number
November 5, 2024
November 4, 2014
293769 14-2055
May 9, 2009
November 8, 2005
13 05-3336
May 7, 2005
1 05-1546
May 5, 2001
1 01-1475
May 3, 1997
13 97-1423
May 1, 1993
9 93-1603
December 8, 1990 20742
August 12, 1989 20353
May 6, 1989 20252
2 89-1390
April 6, 1985 18625
4 85-1135
​​​April 2, 1983 17717
8 83-1037
January 17, 1981 16771
4 81-0218
April 5, 1976 15109
13 76-0882
June 12, 1973 14085
October 22, 1968 12271 24 68-6343

Election Date: 11/5/2024

17 Propositions

Proposition A related to contributions to the city Employees Retirement Fund and changed the City Code, not the City Charter.  Ordinance 32802.

Propositions K, M, and N were removed before the ballot was created because of Texas Supreme Court ruling 24-0678.  Ordinance 32849.

Proposition #B

Proposition Title:  Add a preamble to the city charter
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Chapter/Section: NA
Proposition Language: Shall the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a preamble that declares the city to be an equitable democracy, comprised of representatives that act to make the city fair, equitable, just, and safe for all residents?


Proposition #C

Proposition Title:  Increase salaries for the mayor and council members
Passed:  No
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to increase the annual salary for the mayor to $110,000 and the annual salaries for councilmembers to $90,000 with salaries subject to a yearly adjustment equal to the year-over-year percentage increase in the local consumer price index, effective January 1, 2025?


Proposition #D

Proposition Title:  Remove May election date from charter
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 3 of the Dallas City Charter be amended by deleting the requirement that elections for members of the city council be held in May and instead be held according to state law and as designated by city resolution or ordinance?


Proposition #E

Proposition Title:  Place hard term limits on council members and mayor
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 3A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to eliminate the ability for members of the city council to run for city council again after serving the maximum four two-year terms and to eliminate the ability for the mayor to run for mayor again after serving the maximum two four-year terms?


Proposition #F

Proposition Title:  Provide the city secretary and auditor with employees
Passed:  Y
Internal Ref:  24-1117

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IIIA, Section 2 and Chapter IX, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter, which requires the city council to provide assistants to the city secretary and city auditor, be amended to also require the city council to provide employees to the city secretary and city auditor?


Proposition #G

Proposition Title:  Strengthen requirements to serve on redistricting commission
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 5(b)(2) of the Dallas City Charter, which establishes the redistricting commission, be amended by adding eligibility criteria for serving on the redistricting commission?


Proposition #H

Proposition Title:  Remove citizenship requirement to serve on certain city boards and commissions
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117



Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 5; Chapter XV, Section 3; Chapter XVI, Section 1; and Chapter XVII, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended by eliminating the requirement that members of the redistricting commission, city plan commission, civil service board, and park and recreation board be registered to vote, qualified voters, or qualified taxpaying citizens?


Proposition #I

Proposition Title:  Loosen requirements to change or introduce city ordinances through referendums
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVIII, Section 11 of the Dallas City Charter, which establishes procedures for initiative and referendum of ordinances, be amended to extend the deadline petitioners must meet to collect required signatures from 60 days to 120 days and reduce the number of signatures required on a petition from 10 percent of the qualified voters of the City of Dallas to five percent?


Proposition #J

Proposition Title:  Permit council members to replace board and commission appointees prior to the completion of their appointment term
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIV, Section 17(b) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to allow city council’s appointments to city boards and commissions to be replaced by city council prior to completion of a member’s two-year term?


Proposition #L

Proposition Title:  Add an independent Office of Inspector General
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI, Section 2 be amended and a new chapter be added to the Dallas City Charter that establishes the Office of the Inspector General with the Inspector General being appointed by city council and lists the duties of the Inspector General?


Proposition #O

Proposition Title:  Strengthen criteria to serve as a municipal judge and alter appointment procedure
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 6 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify the terms of associate municipal judges and state that associate municipal judges are appointed by city council, receive assignments from the administrative judge or the administrative judge’s designee, and must be residents of Dallas within four months of the date of appointment and practicing attorneys in good standing?


Proposition #P

Proposition Title:  Remove cost for city employees appealing discharge or demotion
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVI, Section 12.1 of the Dallas City Charter be amended by deleting the requirement that a city employee who appeals his or her discharge or reduction in grade to an administrative law judge pay one-half of the costs attributed to having the administrative law judge conduct the appeal hearing?


Proposition #Q

Proposition Title:  Multiple charter amendments that affect public notice of city actions, council benefits and citizenship requirements among other concerns
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1117




























Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 3; Chapter III, Section 4; Chapter III, Chapter 8(b); Chapter III, Section 13(a); Chapter III, Section 19; Chapter IV, Section 6(a); Chapter IV, Section 6(c)(2); Chapter IV, Section 13; Chapter XI, Section 1; Chapter XI, Section 3; Chapter XII, Section 4; Chapter XIII, Section 2(2); Chapter XIII, Section 9; Chapter XIV, Section 8; Chapter XV, Section 3; Chapter XV, Section 4; Chapter XVI, Section 3(b)(1); Chapter XVI, Section 7; Chapter XVI, Section 10(a); Chapter XVI, Section 11(b); Chapter XVIII, Section 7; Chapter XVIII, Section 11(1); Chapter XVIII, Section 15; Chapter XIX, Section 7; Chapter XXII, Section 2; Chapter XXII, Section 3; Chapter XXII, Section 4(1); Chapter XXII, Section 10; and Chapter XXIV of the Dallas City Charter be amended to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practices, correct terms, clarify language, and other technical amendments?


Proposition #R

Proposition Title:  Reduce or eliminate enforcement of marijuana laws
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1121
Proposition Language:Shall the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section in Chapter XXIV that reforms marijuana possession enforcement by prohibiting the Dallas Police Department from making arrests or issuing citations for marijuana possession or considering the odor of marijuana as probable cause for search or seizure, except as part of a violent felony or high priority narcotics felony investigation; making enforcement of Class A (currently, two to four ounces) and Class B (currently, up to two ounces) misdemeanor marijuana possession the Dallas Police Department’s lowest enforcement priority; and prohibiting city funds or personnel from being used to test cannabis-related substances to determine whether a substance meets the legal definition of marijuana, except in limited circumstances?


Proposition #S

Proposition Title:  Give residents license to sue City Hall for perceived charter or ordinance enforcement failures
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1122
Proposition Language:Shall the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new chapter that grants standing to any resident of Dallas to bring a lawsuit against the city to require the city to comply with provisions of the city charter, city ordinances, and state law; entitles claimants to seek declaratory and injunctive relief against the city and recover costs and reasonable attorney’s fees; and waives the city’s governmental immunity from suit and liability in claims brought under this amendment?


Proposition #T

Proposition Title:  Use a public survey to reward or fire the city manager
Passed:  No
Internal Ref:  24-1122
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VI of the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section compelling the city to conduct the city-commissioned Community Survey on an annual basis, to be completed by a minimum of 1,400 Dallas residents on their satisfaction on quality of life issues, the results of which will result in the city manager earning additional performance compensation (between 0 percent and 100 percent of the city manager’s annual base salary) or the termination of the city manager?


Proposition #U

Proposition Title:  Use charter to require hiring of hundreds of additional police officers
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  24-1122
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI of the Dallas City Charter be amended by adding a new section compelling city council to appropriate no less than 50 percent of annual revenue that exceeds the total annual revenue of the previous year to fund the Dallas Police and Fire Pension, with any monies remaining of that 50% to be appropriated to increasing the starting compensation of officers of the Dallas Police Department and to increase the number of police officers to a minimum of 4,000, and to maintain that ratio of officers to the City of Dallas population as of the date of passage of this amendment?


Election Date: 11/4/2014

9 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Requiring Additional Disclosures on Ballots for Bond Programs
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Chapter/Section: XXI/2
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the ballot for the approval of a bond program must state the amount of bond issuance authorization, estimated amount of repayment including principal and interest based on current market conditions, and the purpose of the bonds?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Revising Restrictions as to City Officials and Employees and Exempting Board and Commission Members from Certain Restrictions Involving City Contracts.  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Chapter/Section: XXII/11
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXII, Section 11 of the Dallas City Charter, which prohibits city officials and employees from having a financial interest in city contracts, be amended to exempt ownership of an interest of not more than 10 percent in a mutual or common fund; exempt non-negotiated, form contracts for general city services or benefits if the city services or benefits are made available to the city official or employee on the same terms that they are made available to the general public; and exempt board and commission members, but require that they comply with conflict of interest and ethics provisions in state law or the city code?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Allowing Certain Changes to the Thoroughfare Plan Without Mailing Notice to Adjacent Property Owners
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  14-1088
Chapter/Section: XV/8
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XV, Section 8 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to allow changes to the Thoroughfare Plan that affect any area larger than one square mile and that does not increase the dimensional classification of a thoroughfare to be noticed through an alternate notice authorized by city council?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Amending the Provision for Nondiscrimination in City Employment  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Chapter/Section: XVI/16(a)
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVI, Section 16(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to include color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, and military or veteran status as additional classes for nondiscrimination in city employment?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Requiring the City Council to Set the Annual Budget for the City Auditor Directly  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the City Council shall set the annual budget for the city auditor's office directly, rather than as a component of the city manager's budget?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Revising the Redistricting Process  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Chapter/Section: IV/5
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 5 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to revise the redistricting process to provide for appointment of the redistricting commission after the federal decennial census data are available; require that a person appointed to the redistricting commission be a registered voter; set guidelines for drawing district lines; prohibit city councilmember contact with redistricting commissioners regarding the redistricting process, except in open meetings; and require a written explanation, 72 hours public notice, and a three-fourths vote for city council to modify the district map proposed by the redistricting commission?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  Municipal Judges and Board and Commission Members Must Resign to Run for Other Offices  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088

Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter III, Section 17 and Chapter VIII, Section 4A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify that the prohibition on running for other offices applies to municipal judges, all board and commission members, including Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board members and Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport board members; and to clarify that a municipal judge automatically resigns if the judge announces that he/she is a candidate for an elected office?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  Increasing Compensation for the Mayor and Councilmembers  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to increase compensation for councilmembers to $60,000, effective upon the swearing in of city council members in June 2015, and for the mayor to $80,000, effective upon the swearing in as mayor of an individual who did not hold the office of mayor on November 4, 2014?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  Technical Amendments to Conform to State Law, City Code, and Actual Practices; to Correct Terms; to Correct Spelling; to Clarify Language, and to Correct Cross-References  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  14-1088
III/6, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20

XI/4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13



XVI/12(a), 12(c), 16(d)

XIX/1, 2, 11

XXII/1, 11

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 6; Chapter III, Section 10; Chapter III, Section 11; Chapter III, Section 17; Chapter III, Section 19; Chapter III, Section 20; Chapter XI, Section 4; Chapter XI, Section 5; Chapter XI, Section 6; Chapter XI, Section 8; Chapter XI, Section 11; Chapter XI, Section 13; Chapter XV, Section 1(2); Chapter XV, Section 7; Chapter XVI, Section 12(a), Chapter XVI, Section 12(c); Chapter XVI, Section 16(d); Chapter XIX, Section 1; Chapter XX, Section 2; Chapter XX, Section 11; Chapter XXII, Section 1; Chapter XXII, Section 11; and Chapter XXIV, Section 13(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practices, correct terms, correct spelling, clarify language, correct cross-references, and other technical amendments?

Election Date: 5/9/2009

2 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  09-0708
Chapter/Section:Add XI/15
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by adding Section 15 to: (1) prohibit the city from, directly or indirectly, using, lending, or transferring city money or property, or lending the city's credit, for the purpose of siting, financing, constructing, acquiring, leasing , or operating a hotel or other lodging facility; (2) prohibit the city form creating, authorizing, or sponsoring any special-purpose governmental entity or any non-profit corporation (including a local government corporation or a public facility corporation), or authorizing the issuance of bonds, notes, or other debt instruments by such special-purpose, governmental entity or non-profit corporation, for the purpose of siting, financing, constructing, acquiring, leasing, or operating a hotel or other lodging facility; (3) require the city to assume the powers and duties of any existing local government corporation previously created or authorized by the city for the purpose of siting, financing, constructing, acquiring, leasing, or operating a hotel or other lodging facility; (4) require the city to alter the structure, organization, programs and activities of any existing public facility corporation sponsored by the city and to prohibit such corporation form siting, financing, constructing, acquiring, leasing, or operating a hotel or other lodging facility; and (5) provide certain exceptions?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  None
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  09-0709
Chapter/Section:Add XI/16
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by adding Section 16 to: (1) prohibit the city of Dallas (including any special-purpose governmental entity, nonprofit corporation, and any other entity created or controlled by the city) from providing more than a total of $1,000,000 in financial assistance (including any grant of tax concessions or relief; any authorization of debt or debt instruments; any expenditure of public funds; and any exchange, grant, or below-market sale or lease of city-owned land) to any private development project (the primary purpose of which is to construct or aid in the construction, renovation, repair, alteration, or remodeling of any hotel, convention center, luxury residential condominium, or retail facility, or the infrastructure of any such facility), unless the city fives at least 65 days' public notice (including posting the notice on the city's website for the entire 65-day notice period) before approving the financial assistance and obtains voter approval for the financial assistance at a regular or special election when voter approval is required by petition that is signed by at least 500 residents of the city and filed with the city secretary within 60 days after the public notice is posted; (2) exempt from the financial assistance restrictions any retail development of less than 50,000 square feet that serves a subsidized residential development; and (3) provide a severability clause?


Election Date: 11/8/2005

13 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Expanded Powers and Compensation of Mayor and Expanded City Council Finance and Audit Oversight  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref: 05-2527
III/1, 3A, 4, 13, 19

IV /4, 6

VI /1, 2

IX /1, 2 (before renumbering)

XI /1-5

XVI /9

XXIV /21A (before renumbering)


XXIV/Add 22
Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter III, Sections l, 3A, 4, 13, and 19; Chapter IV, Sections 4 and 6; Chapter VI Sections 1 and 2; Chapter IX, Sections 1 and 2 (before renumbering); Chapter XI, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; Chapter XVI, Section 9, and Chapter XXIV, Section 21A (before renumbering) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall new Chapter IXA be added and shall new Section 22 be added to Chapter XIV, to clarify that Place 15 on the city council is designated as the mayor; to increase the mayor's annual compensation from $60,000 to $120,000; to provide for the city manager to be appointed by, and to have his or her compensation fixed by, the mayor (instead of the city council) and to be removed by the mayor or by a majority vote of the full city council; to require the city manager and mayor to jointly prepare the city's annual budget for presentation to the city council; to require the city manager to appoint the police chief and fire chief with the concurrence of the mayor; to create a finance, audit, and accountability committee (composed of at least five council members) that has all members and the chair and vice-chair appointed by a majority vote of the full city council (excluding the mayor, who may not vote or participate in the matter or serve on the committee); to provide for the appointment, discharge, and compensation of a council finance and budget oversight officer by a majority vote of the full city council ( excluding the mayor, who may not vote on the matter); to provide residency requirements for the council finance and budget oversight officer; to provide for assistants to the council finance and budget oversight officer, who shall be exempt from civil service; to provide for the appointment, discharge, and compensation of the city auditor by a majority vote of the full city council (excluding the mayor, who may not vote on the matter); to provide for the selection of an independent auditor by a majority vote of the city council (excluding the mayor, who may not vote on the matter); and to make certain nonsubstantive changes, which amendments would take effect on the date of inauguration of the city council members elected at the May 5, 2007 general election, pending voting rights preclearance by the United States Justice Department?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Residency requirements for the City Manager, City Attorney, City Auditor, and City Secretary; appointment and removal of City Attorney, City Secretary, Assistants to the City Auditor, Assistants to the City Secretary, and professional and administrative Assistants to the Mayor and Council; duties of City Auditor?  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527
III/14, 15

IIIA/1, 2




Renumbers IX/2, 3 as IX/3, 4

Add IX/2
Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter III, Sections 14 and 15; Chapter IHA, Sections 1 and 2; Chapter VII, Section 1; and Chapter IX, Section 2 (before renumbering) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall new Section 2 be added to Chapter IX, to provide residency requirements for the city manager, city attorney, city auditor, and city secretary; to provide for the city attorney and the city secretary to be discharged during a term of office by a majority vote (instead of a two-thirds vote) of the full city council; to authorize the city secretary to terminate his or her assistants without city council consent; to clarify the duties of the city auditor; to provide for the appointment, discharge, and duties of assistance to the city auditor; to authorize city council members to select their professional and administrative assistants; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Municipal Courts and Municipal Judges  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 05-2527

VIII/7, 8



Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter VII, Section 3; Chapter VIII, Sections 7 and 8; Chapter XII, Section 6; and Chapter XVI, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall new Section 4A be added to Chapter VIII, to provide a procedure for the removal of municipal judges prior to the expiration of their terms; to correct obsolete references to the municipal courts as corporation courts; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Emergency Management and Continuity of Governance  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 05-2527

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter II, Section 1 and Chapter III, Section 5 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city to adopt a disaster emergency preparedness ordinance that provides for the development of a comprehensive emergency management plan; to authorize the city attorney to initiate court action to order an election to fill city council vacancies in the event of the simultaneous death or disability of all city council members; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Disciplinary Actions, Appeals, Civil Service, and Other Personnel Matters  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 05-2527
VI/1, 2


XII/4, 5

XIII/3, 9

XVI/3, 4, 9, 11, 12
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VI, Sections 1 and 2; Chapter VII, Section 1; Chapter XII, Sections 4 and 5; Chapter XIII Sections 3 and 9; and Chapter XVI, Sections 3, 4, 9, 11, and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to eliminate the provision allowing a police chief or fire chief, or an assistant above the rank of captain, to be restored to a prior held rank or a lower appointive rank upon being removed from his or her position for unfitness; to clarify the process for disciplining employees of the police and fire departments; to eliminate requirements that the city manager, the city attorney, and department directors be given a public hearing before the city council prior to being discharged; to exempt the city secretary's office and the city auditor's office from civil service; to clarify that city employees in the unclassified civil service and city employees exempt from civil service do not have the right to appeal disciplinary actions; to require a "reasonable person" standard to be used in civil service trial board hearings and administrative law judge hearings; to provide that charter provisions and city personnel rules will prevail over any conflicting civil service rule; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Election-related Matters  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527



IV/Add 13

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter II, Section 1; Chapter III, Section 1; and Chapter N, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall new Section 13 be added to Chapter IV, to authorize the city to adopt regulations governing campaign contributions and expenditures for city elections; to require publication (both before and after a city council election) of all campaign contributions made to city council candidates; to provide for general elections to be held on the first authorized election date after March 1 (instead of after February 1) of each odd-numbered year; to provide for general elections to be held in May (instead of April) of odd-numbered years if the state ceases to restrict election dates; to provide that council members elected at a general election shall take office the first Monday following the 30th calendar day after the final canvass of the general election; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  City Boards and Commissions  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527



II/Add 3
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 5; Chapter XVI, Section 1; and Chapter XXIV, Section 13 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall new Section 3 be added to Chapter II, to increase the size of the civil service board from five members to seven members; to provide for removal of a civil service board member or adjunct member without written reasons for removal or an opportunity to present a defense; to provide for city board and commission members (including civil service board members and adjunct members) to be appointed during September (instead of during August) of each odd-numbered year and to serve a term not to exceed two years from October 1 (instead of from September 1) or until their successors are appointed and qualified; to provide that advisory board and commission members may not hold over in their positions longer than nine months after the expiration of their terms or after the creation of vacancies in their positions; to provide that members of the city's redistricting commission serve a term ending upon completion of the redistricting commission's work; to require the city council to appoint a charter review commission at least every 10 years to review the city charter and make a report to the city council; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  City Treasurer and Financial Matters  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527

XI/6, 7, 10, 13



Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Section 20; Chapter XI, Sections 6, 7, 10, and 13; Chapter XVII, Section 9; and Chapter XXIV, Section 14 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that moneys to be derived from the sale of lawfully authorized commercial paper notes are deemed to be in the city's treasury; to designate the city's chief financial officer as the city treasurer; to clarify that city money is deposited into the city treasury or city depository instead of with the city treasurer; to correct obsolete references to the director of revenue and taxation and the director of finance; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  Solid Waste Franchises  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527
XIV/1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8


Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter XIV, Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 and Chapter XIX, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city to grant franchises for solid waste hauling, sold waste pickup, solid waste recycling, and solid waste disposal; to exempt such franchises from rate regulation; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  Fire-Rescue Department  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527


XIII/1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9



Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter II, Section 1; Chapter VI, Section 2; Chapter XIII, Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; Chapter XVI, Section 16; and Chapter XXIV, Section 10 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to rename the city's fire department as the fire-rescue department; to authorize members of the fire-rescue department to exercise police powers in rescue situations; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  Official City Newspaper  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  05-2527


XVIII/7, 15

Repeal XXIV/11
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 19; Chapter XI, Section 3; and Chapter XVIII, Sections 7 and 15 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended, and shall Chapter XXIV, Section be repealed, to eliminate the charter requirement for an official city newspaper; to provide for city notices to be published in newspapers of general circulation in the city; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #12

Proposition Title:  Annexations and Disannexations  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 05-2527
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter I, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to clarify the process for annexing and disannexing territory to and from the city and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #13

Proposition Title:  Gender Neutral Language, Correction of State Law Cites, and Other Nonsubstantive Changes  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 05-2527
III/3, 10, 11, 15, 17, 19, 20

IIIA/1, 2

VI/1, 2

VII/1, 3

VIII/4, 6

IX/3 (before renumbering)


XI/2, 11, 13





XIX/6, 8, 11, 17

XX/10, 11


XXIII/4, 6

XXIV/12, 17
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 3, 10, 11, 15, 17, 19, and 20; Chapter IIIA, Sections 1 and 2; Chapter VI, Sections 1 and 2; Chapter VII, Sections 1 and 3; Chapter VIII, Sections 4 and 6; Chapter IX, Section 3 (before renumbering); Chapter X, Section 2; Chapter XI, Sections 2, 11, 1 and 13; Chapter XIV, Section 8; Chapter XV, Section 3; Chapter XVI, Section 17; Chapter XVIII, Section 13; Chapter IXI, Sections 6, 8, 11, and 17; Chapter XX, Sections 10 and 11; Chapter XXII, Section 4; Chapter XXIII, Sections 4 and 6; and Chapter XXIV, Sections 12 and 17 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to make the charter language gender neutral; to correct obsolete references to state law; and to make other nonsubstantive changes?


Election Date: 5/7/2005

1 Proposition

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  05-7513
III/1, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 7, 11-20


IV/4, 6, 7, 8, 10




VIII/1, 4, 6, 7, 8

IX/2, 3


X/1, 2

XI/1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9

XII/1, 2, 3, 4, 7

XIII/1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9

XIV Title

XV/1, 4

XVI/1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12

XVII/2, 3, 4, 5, 8

XVIII/1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9



XXI/8, 10

XXII/1, 6, 11


XXIV/4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19

Add IV

Proposition Language:
Amendment of Sections 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of Chapter III; Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter IIIA; Sections 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of Chapter IV; Section 1 of Chapter V; Chapter VI; Sections 1, 2, and 3 of Chapter VII; Sections 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of Chapter VIII; Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter IX; Chapter IXA; Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter X; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9 of Chapter XI; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 of Chapter XII; Sections 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 of Chapter XIII; Chapter XIV title; Sections 1 and 4 of Chapter XV; Sections 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of Chapter XVI; Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 of Chapter XVII; Sections 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 of Chapter XVIII; Section 11 of Chapter XIX; Section 11 of Chapter XX; Sections 8 and 10 of Chapter XXI; Sections 1, 6, and 11 of Chapter XXII; Section 6 of Chapter XXIII; and Sections 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, and 19 of Chapter XXIV of, and addition of new Chapters IV and XXVII to, the Charter of the City of Dallas, all of which would:

(1) eliminate the office of the city manager and transfer to the mayor, who would become the chief executive and administrative officer of the city, all powers formerly held by the city manager, including providing professional and secretarial assistance to the city council; conducting investigations; calling for special audits; appointing the municipal court clerk; submitting the annual city budget to the city council and performing other duties relating to budget appropriations and capital expenditure programs; providing for and receiving statements of payments and receipts from the city treasurer and certifying money in the city treasury; supervising the police and fire departments, including hiring, disciplining, and discharging the police chief, the fire chief, and all employees in those departments; supervising all other city departments formerly under the city manager, including hiring, disciplining, discharging, and coordinating the work of the heads and employees of those departments; hearing employee disciplinary appeals and approving trial board appeals to district court; requesting and receiving reports from all departments on their activities, including reports from the city auditor; submitting the city's comprehensive plan to the city council; executing city contracts and other legal instruments; and submitting bids on behalf of the city for property at tax sales;

(2) transfer to the mayor certain powers currently held by the city council, including nominating the mayor pro tern, subject to council confirmation, with a vice mayor pro tern being nominated and appointed by the city council; appointing, discharging, and setting the compensation of the city attorney; appointing and discharging the city secretary; appointing municipal judges and the administrative judge, subject to council confirmation; removing municipal judges and appointing and removing associate municipal judges, without council confirmation; adopting municipal court work rules, without city attorney review being required; establishing, discontinuing, and changing city departments and offices; appointing all members and adjunct members of the civil service board, subject to council confirmation, and appointing the board chair, removing board members, and filling vacancies without council confirmation; appointing all members of the park and recreation board, subject to council confirmation, and ·appointing the board president without council confirmation; adopting park and recreation board rules and regulations, requiring reports from the board, and assigning grounds and properties for the board to control, maintain, and manage; providing positions for the park and recreation department; appointing the members of city boards and commissions, subject to council confirmation, and removing board and commission members without council approval; establishing criteria for fire limits and for building construction and repair in the city, including setting permit fees; condemning and removing dangerous structures; establishing and maintaining public libraries, subject to council approval; and determining how the municipal radio and television broadcasting station and other communication systems may be used, including appointing members to a radio and television stations commission with council confirmation;

(3) give the mayor new powers and duties, including taking official actions by issuing orders that must be maintained as permanent city records; signing and approving every ordinance, resolution, and motion of the council before it can take effect, provided that an ordinance, resolution, or motion becomes effective if the mayor fails to sign it within five days after adoption; voting on council confirmations of mayoral appointments; acting in an emergency; and prescribing general rules and regulations governing the general conduct of city departments;

(4) make certain changes relating to the mayor's office, term, compensation, and duties, including eliminating all charter references to the mayor as Place 15 on the city council; deleting the definition of a mayor's term as any period in excess of 731 days; providing that the mayor's salary be paid per annum in equal semi-monthly installments instead of biweekly like other council members; excluding the mayor from city council attendance requirements under which a council member's compensation may be reduced if he misses more than 10 percent of regular city council meetings; providing for a mayor pro tern and vice mayor pro tern to act in the case of the death, resignation, or permanent disability of the mayor, or whenever there is a vacancy in the office of mayor; requiring an election to fill a mayoral vacancy to be held within 30 days after the vacancy occurs; authorizing the city council, by a two-thirds vote, to remove the mayor for misconduct, inability, or willful neglect in the performance of official duties and to suspend the mayor for up to 30 days pending an impeachment charge; requiring the mayor to post a bond conditioned on the faithful performance of the duties of the office; and eliminating the mayor's duty to provide for annual state of the city reports;

(5) restrict certain powers of the city council, including eliminating a city council member's ability to run for the office of mayor at the end of his council term limits; prohibiting a city council member from giving orders to or interfering with appointees and subordinates of the mayor, including the city attorney and city secretary; eliminating council power to provide a council assistant to represent the mayor and council at ceremonial occasions; eliminating council power to prescribe by ordinance the duties of the municipal court clerk and the fire chief; eliminating council power to adopt civil service board rules and regulations and to designate a secretary to the trial board; and eliminating council power to waive a requirement that city boards and commissions have 15 or more members;

(6) increase certain powers and duties of the city secretary, including allowing the city secretary to discharge assistants without city council consent; and requiring the city secretary to countersign bonds issued by the city, the registry and records of which bonds are to be kept with city council records;

(7) make certain other conforming and nonsubstantive changes; and

(8) provide for these charter amendments to go into effect on September 1, 2005, except that those amendments that require preclearance by the United States Department of Justice will take effect on the first day of the fourth month following the month in which the Department of Justice issues a letter interposing no objection to the implementation of these amendments.


Election Date: 5/5/2001

1 Proposition

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  City Council Compensation  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  01-0832
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for city council members, other than the mayor, to receive annual compensation of $37,500 (paid on a biweekly basis), plus expenses of office; to provide for the mayor to receive annual compensation of $60,000 (paid on a biweekly basis), plus expenses of office; and to provide that, if more than 10 percent of regular city council and city council committee meetings are missed by a city council member, including the mayor, during a compensation year, the member's annual compensation will be reduced by the percentage of meetings missed?


Election Date: 5/3/1997

13 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter Ill, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to increase the per diem compensation of city council members from $50 to $212.20 and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Council Compensation for Additional Meetings  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter Ill, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to expand the meetings for which city council members may receive per diem compensation to include one annual budget town hall meeting and various meetings of certain boards and commissions that would be designated by city council resolution for such compensation and to which a city council member must be appointed by the mayor or the city council to represent the city; to limit the number of meetings for which a city council member may receive per diem compensation, other than the regular or called meetings of the city council or committees of the city council, to not more than three meetings a month; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter Ill, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city to pay medical benefits for city council members and their eligible dependents who participate in the city's health benefits program in an amount equal to the costs of medical benefits paid for permanent full-time city employees and their eligible dependents and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Transfer of Appropriations  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow the city council, by a two-thirds vote of all of its members, to transfer an unencumbered balance of an appropriation among departments, divisions, and purposes without the city manager's written recommendation; to require the city manager to provide information on the fiscal impact of each transfer; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Effective Date of Boundary Changes  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter I, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to make a boundary change due to annexation effective immediately upon its adoption by the city council instead of 30 days after publication of the boundary change?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Police and Fire Department Gender References  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655





Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter II, Section 1; Chapter XII, Sections 1 through 8; Chapter XIII, Sections 1 through 9; and Chapter XVIISection 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to eliminate gender-based references to sworn personnel of the police department and the fire department of the city and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  Dates of Council Election and Inauguration  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655



Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter Ill, Section 1 and Chapter IV, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow the general election to be held on the first authorized election date after February 1 of each odd-numbered year instead of on the first authorized election date after March 31 of each odd-numbered year; and to provide that city council members will take office on the first Monday following the 30th calendar day after the general election instead of on the first Monday of the month next succeeding the general election?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  Civil Service  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Chapter/Section:XVI/2, 9
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVI, Sections 2 and 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to designate the secretary of the civil service board as the director of the civil service department, with a two-year term; to authorize the secretary/director, instead of the board, to hire assistants and employees of the civil service department; to eliminate an obsolete reference to the transit system from the list of city departments exempted from civil service; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  Public Improvements and Assessments  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Chapter/Section:XX/1, 2, 7, 8
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XX, Sections 1, 2, 7, and 8 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to correct the title of the person charged with providing notice of public improvements and assessments in the tax statements of the affected property; to update references to state law provisions relating to public improvements and assessments; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  Discharge of Assistant City Attorneys  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VII, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow the city attorney to discharge assistant city attorneys without city council approval and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  Board of Adjustment  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XV, Section 7 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to increase from four to six the number of alternate members to the board of adjustment; to provide that all cases are heard by the minimum number of board members required by state law; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #12

Proposition Title:  Omitted Property and Redemption Period  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Chapter/Section:XIX/3, 12
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIXSections 3 and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that taxes on property that has been omitted from the tax appraisal rolls for the city will be assessed and collected in accordance with state law; to make the redemption period for tax foreclosed property consistent with state law; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #13

Proposition Title:  Official City Newspaper  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  97-0655
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIV, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to eliminate the requirement that the official city newspaper be selected annually and to provide that the frequency of selection and other requirements for the official city newspaper would be established by city council ordinance?


Election Date: 5/1/1993

9 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  City Council Structure  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817

IV/4, 5, 6

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Section 1 and Chapter IV, Sections 4, 5, and 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to increase the city council composition to 15 members, with 14 members elected by qualified voters of particular districts and one member elected as mayor by all qualified voters of the city; to divide the city into 14 districts; to provide residency requirements for city council candidates; to require affidavits and verification of a candidate's residence; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  City Council Compensation  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  93-0817
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the mayor to receive a monthly fee of $2083.34 plus expenses of office, the mayor pro tern and deputy mayor pro tern to each receive a monthly fee of $1875 plus expenses of office, and the other city council members to each receive a monthly fee of $1583.34 plus expenses of office?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Official City Newspaper  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIV, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow a newspaper other than one in daily circulation to serve as the official newspaper of the city and to provide other qualifications for the official city newspaper?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Purchasing and Contracts  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817
X/3, 4

XXII/7, 8, 9

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter X, Sections 3 and 4 and Chapter XXIISections 7, 8, and 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow the city purchasing agent to delegate limited purchasing power to individual city departments; to delete obsolete functions of the city purchasing agent in furnishing supplies to individual city departments; to conform to state law the requirements for performance and payment bonds and other security on public contracts; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  City Council Meetings and Speakers  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817
Chapter/Section:III/6, 8
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 6 and 8 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require all regular meetings of the city council to be held in prescribed locations of the official city hall; to define "regular meetings" of the city council; and to require the city council to provide through its rules of procedure opportunities for citizens to speak?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Elections and Petitions  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817

IV/2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

V/1, 2

XVIII/11, 12

Proposition Language: 

Shall Chapter III, Sections 5; Chapter IV, Sections 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12; Chapter V, Sections 1 and 2; and Chapter XVIIISections 11 and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to conform to state law the requirements and procedures for canvassing elections, filing as a city council candidate, filing petitions, and holding runoff elections; to require five registered voters of the city to file an intent to circulate a petition for initiative and referendum of ordinances or a recall petition; to provide requirements for a petition circulator; to delete requirements for returning insufficient petitions to the filer; to authorize the city council to allow the city secretary additional help and time in verifying signatures on a recall petition; to provide for the conduct of a recall election in the manner in which an election to fill a city council vacancy is conducted; to provide for the automatic placement of a challenged city council member on a recall election ballot; to require an election to fill a city council vacancy to be ordered as soon as practicable; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  Finance and Budget  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817
XI/4, 14

XXI/3, 8

Proposition Language: 

Shall Chapter XI, Sections 4 and 14 and Chapter XXI, Sections 3 and 8 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to limit city issuance of certain long-term debt without voter approval; to authorize the use of water utilities department receipts and revenues to pay an amount equal to ad valorem taxes and other charges that would be due the city if the department were not a city-owned public utility; to correct the title of the person charged with countersigning city bonds; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  Civil Service and Personnel  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817


XVI/1, 6, 11, 12

Proposition Language: 

Shall Chapter XII, Section 4; Chapter XIII, Section 9; and Chapter XVI, Sections 1, 6, 11, and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to reduce the number of adjunct members of the civil service board to one appointee for each city council member; to allow either the city, with approval of the city manager and the city attorney, or an aggrieved officer or employee to appeal a trial board decision to state district court and to provide for attorney's fees to the prevailing party; to provide for execution of a trial board order pending appeal to state district court; to make disciplinary actions consistent throughout city departments by authorizing the city manager to increase disciplinary actions against city employees, including police officers and firefighters; to clarify that employees reassigned during overall reductions in force are not protected from reductions in pay; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  City Secretary and Filing of Claims  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  93-0817
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IIIA, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to delegate to the city secretary duties involving management of city records; to provide that claims against the city be filed at a location to be designated by ordinance instead of with the city secretary; and to make certain nonsubstantive changes?


Election Date: 12/8/1990

2 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  14-1 City Council Structure  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  90-3083

IV/4, 5(a), 6 and 8

XXIV/21(1) and (9)

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Section 1; Chapter IV, Sections 4, 5(a), 6, and 8; and Chapter XXIV, Section 21(1) and (9) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for: [sic] 15 members of the city council, 14 members elected by qualified voters of districts and one member elected as mayor by all qualified voters of the city; and transitional provisions?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  City Council Compensation
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  90-3083

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 and Chapter XXIV, Section 21 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for: [sic] city council members to receive a monthly fee of $2,500 plus expenses of office; the mayor to receive a monthly fee of $2,917 plus expenses of office; a compensation commission composed of qualified voters of the city to review the compensation of the city council and the mayor and submit recommendations for voters [sic] approval; and transitional provisions?


Election Date: 8/12/1989

16 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  City Council Structure and Role of Mayor  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050

III/1, 2, 3A, 5, and 9

IV/3, 4, 5(a), 6, 7, and 8



XVIV/13 and 21

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Sections 1, 2, 3A, 5, and 9; Chapter IV, Sections 3, 4, 5(a), 6, 7, and 8; Chapter XVI, Section l; Chapter XVII, Section 2; and Chapter XXIV, Section 13 and 21 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for: increasing the city council composition to 15 members, 10 members elected by qualified voters of local districts, four members elected by qualified voters of regional districts, and one member elected as mayor by all qualified voters of the city; city council members from local districts and regional districts to be elected to a term of two years; the mayor to be elected for a term of four years; the date city council members take office to conform with state law; the city council members elected from local and regional districts to serve no more than four consecutive two-year terms; the mayor to serve no more than two consecutive four-year terms; redefining "term" as any period in excess of 366 days; duties and responsibilities of the mayor; the filling of city council vacancies; a quorum of the city council; local and regional city council districts; residency requirements for city council candidates; deleting requirement for $50 city council candidate filing fee; appointment of city board chairs by the mayor; the number of members on city boards; and transitional provisions for the 1989 charter amendments?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  City Council Procedures  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050


Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter III, Section 13; Chapter IX, Section 2; and Chapter XXIV, Section 21 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require procedures for the conduct of city council meetings; to create city council standing committees; and to establish a city council finance committee; and to provide transitional provisions for the 1989 charter amendments?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  City Council Compensation and Staffing  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  89-2050
III/4, 14

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 4 and 14 and Chapter XXIVSection 21 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for: city council members to receive a monthly fee of $1,650 plus expenses of office; the mayor to receive a monthly fee of $2,500 plus expenses of office; a compensation commission, composed of qualified voters of the city, to review the compensation of the city council and the mayor and submit recommendations for voter approval; the hiring of an assistant for each member of the city council; and transitional provisions for the 1989 charter amendments?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Redistricting Commission  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 5(b) and Chapter XXIV, Section 21 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to establish a redistricting commission to prepare a districting plan that proposes the boundaries of the various city council districts; and to provide transitional provisions for the 1989 charter amendments?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Meetings and Elections  
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  89-2050

XXIV/9, 10, 11

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Section 6 and Chapter IV, Section 9, 10, and 11 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to conform with the requirements of state law concerning meetings and elections; and to make certain semantic, grammatical, and structural changes?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  City Auditor  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IX, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to establish a nominating procedure for the selection of the city auditor?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  City Controller  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI, Section 8 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city controller to issue checks and pay bills and other obligations of the city?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  Police Department  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to establish unclassified police assistants limited to three ranks immediately below the rank of chief; and to provide compensation for assistant chiefs performing duties of the chief in the chief's absence in conformance with state law?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  Zoning Commission  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XV, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to correct references to obsolete state law?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  Personnel Appeals  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Chapter/Section:Adds XVI/12.1
Proposition Language:Shall Section 12.1 be added to Chapter XVI of the Charter of the City of Dallas to provide for an administrative law judge as an alternative final appeal for discharged or demoted employees?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  Police and Fire Department Personnel  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVISection 16 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow sworn fire and police department employees to engage in political activity to the extent allowed by state law?


Proposition #12

Proposition Title:  Park and Recreation Department  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the park and recreation board to enter into leases or agreements with terms not exceeding one year; and to authorize the park and recreation board to make emergency purchases to the extent allowed by city council rules?


Proposition #13

Proposition Title:  Ordinances and Resolutions  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVIII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to clarify the city council voting requirements?


Proposition #14

Proposition Title:  Public Contracts  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Chapter/Section:XXII/1, 6
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXII, Sections 1 and 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize a designee of the city manager to approve certain change orders?


Proposition #15

Proposition Title:  Financial Interest Prohibition  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2050
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXII, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to exclude city employees participating in federally-funded housing programs from the city financial interest prohibitions to the extent allowed by law?


Proposition #16

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  89-2054
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter 40A of the Dallas City Code, known as the employees' retirement fund of the City of Dallas, be amended in accordance with Ordinance No. 20354, to limit annual benefits under the retirement fund in compliance with Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code; and to provide that members of the retirement fund before January 1, 1990 shall accrue annual benefits under the terms of the fund in effect on October 14, 1987. [sic]


Election Date: 5/6/1989

2 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Creation of Civilian Review Board  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  89-0981
Chapter/Section:Add XII/9
Proposition Language:Shall a Section 9 be added to Chapter XII of the Charter of the City of Dallas to create an 11-member civilian review board, each member to be appointed by an individual city council member, with the power to review and investigate allegations of police civil rights violations or abuse of citizens, issue subpoenas, appoint a special attorney and staff to investigate allegations, be compensated for meetings and hearings, and discipline officers only upon a finding that a citizen was abused or Dallas police department policy violated and after the officer has been provided all due process of law?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Minimum Staffing Level in Fire Department
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  89-0982
Chapter/Section:Add XIII/10
Proposition Language:Shall Section 10 be added to Chapter XIII of the Charter of the City of Dallas to require minimum staffing levels in the Dallas fire department and minimum compensation and benefits for members of the Dallas fire department?


Election Date: 4/6/1985

4 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Reappointment of City Treasurer  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  85-0782
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 20 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city council to reappoint the city treasurer for one additional two-year term without readvertising for bids?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  85-0783
Proposition Language:Shall 1 Chapter VIII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the appointment of municipal judges in May of even-numbered years?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Employee Reassignment  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  85-0784
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVI, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to limit to two years the period during which an employee who is reassigned because of departmental reorganization is protected from reduction in compensation?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Trial Board Members and Procedures  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  85-0785
Chapter/Section:XVI/1, 12
Proposition Language:Shall Section 1 and Section 12 of Chapter XVI of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for appointment of adjunct members of the civil service board having qualifications established by the city council to serve on trial boards in place of city council members and to authorize the city council to appoint a secretary to the trial board?


Election Date: 4/2/1983

8 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Contract and Bid Procedures  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647

XXII/1, 2, 3, 9

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter XVII, Section 4; and Chapter XXII, Sections 1, 2, 3, and 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require competitive bidding of city contracts in conformance with state law; to authorize the city council to establish rules for authorization of city contracts with limits to be changed no more often than once every 24 months; to allow an unconditional letter of credit to serve as a bid bond; to authorize contracts upon the signature of the city manager and approval by the city attorney; and to allow bids to remain open to public inspection in offices other than the city secretary?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Petition Procedures  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647

XVIII/11, 12

Add IV/12

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter IV, Section 7; Chapter V, Section 1; and Chapter XVIII, Sections 11 and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended and a new Section 12 be added to Chapter IV of the Charter of the City of Dallas to provide for uniform requirements on all election petitions submitted to the city?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  City Secretary Records  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter I, Section 2; and Chapter XVIII, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require that the city secretary keep accurate records of all ordinances, resolutions and motions of the city council in lieu of enrollment; and to delete the requirement that the city secretary maintain an official boundary map?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Election Dates and Voter Qualifications  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647

IV/2, 3, 11

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 5(a); Chapter IV, Sections 2, 3, and 11; and Chapter V, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for city election dates to be in conformance with state law; and to provide that voter qualifications conform with state and federal law?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Property Tax Revision  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIX of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that all property tax matters conform with the State Property Tax Code; and to provide for a position of the city tax assessor and collector?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Duties of Director of Finance  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647
Repeal IXA







Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter IXA of the Charter of the City of Dallas be repealed and shall Chapter III, Section 20; Chapter XI, Section 8; Chapter XVII, Section 9: Chapter XXI, Section 8; Chapter XXII, Section 12; and Chapter XXIV, Section 14 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the duties of the director of finance in place of the city auditor and city controller?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  Civil Service and Personnel  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  83-0647



XVI/1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11, 12
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VII, Section 2: Chapter XII, Section 4; Chapter XIII Section 9: and Chapter XVI, Sections 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11 and 12 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to change the composition of trial boards for hearing appeals of employees who are discharged or reduced in grade; to allow the civil service board to approve designation of certain positions to be filled without competitive exam; to provide for rules of evaluation of employee performance; to provide for extension of certain employee probationary periods; to eliminate disciplinary appeals of certain managerial employees; and to eliminate the requirement of city council confirmation of assistant city attorneys?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  City Council Compensation  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  83-0647
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for city council members a $500 monthly fee and a $100 fee for attendance at city council meetings?


Election Date: 1/17/1981

4 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Tax Rate Limitation  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  80-3183
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIX, Section 23 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to limit the advalorem [sic] tax rate of the city to a maximum of forty cents ($0.40) per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed value and to limit the percentage of annual increase of assessed taxes levied on property between two adjacent years to a maximum of five percent (5%), not including additions or improvements to the property?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  City Council Term Limitation  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  80-3391
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to limit service by a person as member of the city council other than Place 11 to three consecutive terms; and to limit service by a person as member of the city council, Place 11 to three consecutive terms?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Thoroughfare Plan Requirements  
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  80-3391
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XV of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require adoption of a thoroughfare plan; to require written notice of amendments to landowners within 200 feet of an area of change; and to require a public hearing before the plan may be amended?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Board of Equalization Expansion  
Passed:  Yes
Internal Ref:  80-3391
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIX, of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to increase the membership of the board of equalization to nine; to provide for division of the board into panels; and to lengthen the term of service of the board.


Election Date: 4/3/1976

12 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  Election of Council Members Under Court Approved 8-3 Plan  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521

IV/4, 6, 8

Proposition Language:

Shall Chapter III, Section I, and Chapter IV, Sections 4, 6 and 8, of the Charter of the City of Dallas, be amended to provide for compliance with the federal court order for election of eight members of the council from single-member districts, and three, including the mayor, at large?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  Limiting Board Terms to Two Years – Authorizing Appointment to Fill Certain Council Vacancies  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
III/2, 5

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 2 and 5, and Chapter XXIV, Section 13 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for two year maximum terms for board and commission members rather than four year terms and an election to fill vacancies of the council before February 7th of even-numbered years and appointment thereafter in accordance with the Texas Constitution?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  Office of The City Secretary  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Repeal III/13

Add IIIA/1, 2, 3
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 13 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be repealed and a new Chapter IIIA, Sections 1, 2, and 3 be added providing for appointment, removal, compensation, hiring of employees, and duties of the city secretary?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  Assignment of City Manager's Duties; Removal Procedure  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Chapter/Section:VI/1, 2 (14)
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VI, Sections 1 and 2(14) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to allow the city manager to assign a portion of his duties to assistant city managers and to require a vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the council membership for his removal?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  Police and Fire Chiefs' Authority to Discharge Employees  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII, Section 4, and Chapter XIII, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for discharge or suspension for definite period of time of the policemen or firemen by the chief of the department?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  Repeal of Independent Disciplinary Procedure by Civil Service Board  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Chapter/Section:Repeals XVI/15
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVI, Section 15 of the Charter of the City of Dallas styled "Three or more citizens' right to appeal to civil service board for removal or reduction of officers or employees in the classified service list on account of misconduct" be repealed?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  Separating Auditing and Accounting Functions  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
IX/1, 2



Add IXA/1, 2, 3

Repeal IX/3
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IX, Sections 1 and 2, Chapter XI, Section 8, and Chapter XXII, Section 1, of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended; Chapter IXA, Sections 1, 2, and 3 be added, and Chapter IX, Section 3, be repealed to create the department of the city controller and separate the auditing and accounting functions, and provide for purchase of supplies and equipment?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  Budget Submission Procedure  
Passed:  NoInternal Ref:  76-0521
Chapter/Section:XI/1, 3
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XI, Sections 1 and 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to change the budget submission process and form to comply with uniform accounting procedures?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  Expansion of Park Board Membership  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVII, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to authorize the city council to appoint eleven members to the Park Board and name the president thereof?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  Making Charter Provisions Consistent with Other Law  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
II/1 (39)

IV/1, 2
Proposition Language:
Shall Chapter II, Section 1(39), and Chapter IV, Sections 1 and 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended so as to be consistent with State law and the Constitution regarding rate regulations and elections?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  Filing of Claims Within Six Months  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIII, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to require certain claims to be filed within six months?


Proposition #12

Proposition Title:  Adjustment of Fee for Council Members  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  76-0521
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to adjust the fee for council members to $125. [sic] per regular or called meeting, effective May 1, 1977?


Election Date: 6/12/1973

43 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter I, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the boundaries of the City to be kept in official form as ordinances in the office of the City Secretary?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:II/1 (7)
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter II, Section 1(7) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the assessing, levying, and collecting of any taxes which are not prohibited by State law?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1970

III/1, 2, 3, 9

IV/3, 4, 5, 6, 8

Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 1, 2, 3, and 9; Chapter IV, Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the increase in the number of City Councilmen to 13 members; to provide for the election of eight of said Councilmen from single-member districts; to provide for the election of four of said members at-large but residing in a combination of two districts for each member; to provide for the dividing of the City into districts as census data is available; to provide that the candidates must have resided in the district from which they seek election at least six months prior to the date of the election and must continuously reside in the district during their term of office; to provide for the election of the Mayor at-large; to provide for the proper designation of the candidates on the ballot and the voters who may vote for the same; to provide that no member of the Council exclusive of the Mayor shall serve more than two consecutive elective terms; to provide for a quorum; to provide that these amendments shall become effective the first Tuesday in April, 1975?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the payment of $100.00 to each member of the City Council attending a called or regular meeting and the payment of $150.00 to the Mayor for attending such meetings; to provide for the payment of all necessary expenses incurred by the Mayor and members of the City Council in the performance of their official duties?


Proposition #4A

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1970
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 5 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that vacancies in the City Council occurring within one year from an election be filled by Special Election; to provide that persons filling vacancies meet all requirements for candidates in a General City Election?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1970
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the members of the City Council shall meet at the building designated as the official City Hall for regular meetings of the Council; to provide that the meetings shall be held in the City Council Chamber in such building unless postponed or cancelled for valid reasons?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 13 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the City Secretary shall be given at least sixty days notice [sic] prior to his removal from office by the City Council?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:III/14, 15
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Sections 14 and 15 be amended to provide that the City Manager shall provide professional and secretarial assistance to the City Council and that the Council may have a voice in the selection of these [sic] personnel?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 17 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that no City Councilman during the term for which he was elected be appointed to a position of emolument in the service of the City; to provide that an employee of the City shall forfeit his position with the City if he becomes a candidate for nomination or election to an elective public office within Dallas County or in another County within the State having contractual relations with the City direct or indirect or any elective public office which would conflict with his position as an employee of the City?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter III, Section 19 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that a copy of the independent audit of the City shall be kept available in the offices of the City Secretary for inspection by any citizen and that a summary be published in the official newspaper?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that all persons have a right to vote in City elections who have resided in the City for thirty days immediately preceding the election; to provide that in elections to determine the expenditure of money, assumption of debt, or levying of taxes only those qualified to vote who have resided in the City for thirty days preceding the election and who own taxable property and have rendered it for taxation may vote?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IV, Section 7 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that a candidate for a place on the City Council shall file not less than forty (40) nor more than ninety (90) days prior to the election; to provide that the acceptance of the nomination by the candidate shall be contained on the petition filed with the City Secretary?


Proposition #12

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter V, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that petition for recall of a member of the City Council must be signed by fifteen percent (15%) of the voters entitled to vote for the place occupied by the member sought to be removed; to provide that notice of the petition must be given to the City Secretary on the date that the petition is first circulated and that the final petition with the required signatures must be filed within sixty (60) days thereafter?


Proposition #13

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VI, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the City Council may enter into a contract of employment with the City Manager; to provide that the City Manager shall be given at least sixty (60) days notice [sic] prior to his removal from office by the City Council?


Proposition #14

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref: 73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VII, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by deleting the requirement that the City Attorney and all Assistants devote their entire time to the service of the City?


Proposition #15

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the City Council may by ordinance create and provide for Municipal Courts and may appoint one or more Municipal Judges to serve each court?


Proposition #16

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:VIII/2(2), 2(5)
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 2(2) and Section 2(5) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to change the name of Corporation Courts to Municipal Courts and to make the jurisdiction concurrent with the appropriate State Court according to State Law and City ordinances?


Proposition #17

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to change the designation of Corporation Courts to Municipal Courts and City Judges to Municipal Judges?


Proposition #18

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 5 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to change the designation City Judge to Municipal Judge and to provide for authority to place persons upon probation?


Proposition #19

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the appointment of Associate Municipal Judges on a temporary basis; to provide that such judges shall not represent clients in the Municipal Courts; to provide for such appointment by resolution of the City Council?


Proposition #20

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IX, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the monthly financial statement shall be submitted to the City Manager only?


Proposition #21

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter IX, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the special audit of the accounts of any officer of the City shall be made to the City Manager only?


Proposition #22

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter X, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the establishment of departments by a majority instead of a three-fourths (3/4ths) vote of the City Council?


Proposition #23

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to delete Subsection (1) and Subsection (2) calling for itemized estimate of the expenses of each Department and a comparison with the corresponding last two fiscal years and renumbering the balance of the subsections within Section 1?


Proposition #24

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for passage of the appropriation ordinance on second reading and to cause it to be published with any items omitted or changed by the Council?


Proposition #25

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII, Section 10 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by providing that monies to be derived from lawfully authorized bonds shall be deemed to be money in the Treasury?


Proposition #26

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:XIII, 1 3
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIII, Sections 1 and 3 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the unclassified positions of Assistant to Chief of Police shall be limited to two grades or ranks immediately below the rank of Chief?


Proposition #27

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:XIV/1, 2, 3, 4
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIV, Sections 1, 3, and 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the unclassified positions of Assistant to the Chief of the Fire Department shall be limited to the two grades or ranks immediately below the rank of Chief?


Proposition #28

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XX, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for four alternate members to the Board of Adjustment?


Proposition #29

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for notice at least seven days prior to any public meeting of the Civil Service Board at which new rules are to be adopted; to provide for a lapse of fifteen days between the recommendation date and the action by the City Council; to provide for notification to all Department Heads of recommended changes?


Proposition #30

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for re-assignment of incumbents of ranks and grades of employees which have been eliminated by Departmental reorganization without loss of level of compensation subject only to exceptions of overall reduction in force, removal or reduction for cause?


Proposition #31

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843


Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI, Section 12, Chapter XIII, Section 9, and Chapter XIV, Section 9 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the City Secretary shall be Secretary to the Trial Board; to provide that a decision of the Trial Board may be appealed to the District Court; to provide for a Hearing Officer for an officer or employee merely suspended for a definite time or reprimanded and that his decision shall be final; to provide for compensation of the Hearing Officer?


Proposition #32

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1970
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI, Section 16 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that employees or associations of employees in the City may not actively participate in City Council election campaigns and to provide the rules limiting their participation in election campaigns other than for City Council?


Proposition #33

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by providing for a voice vote of the Council on ordinances, resolutions or motions unless a roll call vote is requested?


Proposition #34

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:XXIII/11(2), 11(3)
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIII, Sections 11(2) and 11(3) of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that a referendum petition must contain only ten percent (10%) of the qualified voters from the last available County Tax Collector's Voter Registration List and shall contain the voting precinct number opposite each Signature?


Proposition #35

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVI, Section 10 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the bond register shall be kept by the City Manager?


Proposition #36

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVII, Section 1 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the attestation of all contracts by the City Secretary?


Proposition #37

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVII, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the acceptance of the lowest bid on contracts under $10,000.00 by the City Manager under rules set by the Council; to provide that bids other than the lowest bid may be accepted only by the City Council?


Proposition #38

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVII, Section 4 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for emergency spending without competitive bidding in situations of a public calamity, to preserve public health, in cases of unforeseen damage to public properties, when work is done by employees of the City, for the purchase of land, buildings, existing utility systems or rights-of-way, or expenditures relating to the City water system, sewer systems, streets or drainage if the cost of at least one-third (1/3) is to be paid by special assessment levied against the properties to be benefited thereby; to provide for deficiencies in contracts to be paid by the issuance of certificates of obligation and for the sale of public securities as defined in Article 717k-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes?


Proposition #39

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVII, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the City Council may delegate to the City Manager the authority to approve change orders when authorized by State law?


Proposition #40

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVII, Section 7 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that all performance and payment bonds shall designate legal venue for enforcement exclusively in Dallas County, Texas?


Proposition #41

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Chapter/Section:XXVIII/1, 2
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVIII, Sections 1 and 2 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for notice regarding personal or real property injuries to be filed within six months after the damage or injury occurs?


Proposition #42

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIX, Section 11 of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide that the official newspaper must be a daily newspaper with Saturday and Sunday editions?


Proposition #43

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  73-1843
Repeals XI/1, 2

Repeals XIII/9

Repeals XV

Repeals XVI

Repeals XVII/1, 2

Repeals XVIII/All

Repeals XX/1, 2

Renumbers XI/3 to XII/13

Renumbers XVII/3 to XII/14

Renaming XX
Proposition Language:Shall the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by repealing Sections 1 and 2, Chapter XI, entitled "Revenue and Taxation"; Section 9 of Chapter XIII, entitled "Police Department"; Chapter XV, entitled "Pub11c Works Department"; Chapter XVI, entitled "Public Health Department"; Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter XVII, entitled "Water Utilities Department"; Chapter XVIII, entitled "Public Utilities Department"; Sections 1 and 2 of Chapter XX, entitled "Department of Urban Development"; and renumbering all Chapters and Sections to maintain consecutive order; renumbering Section 3 of Chapter XI to become Section 13 of Chapter XII and providing for the insertion of the officer "the Director of Revenue and Taxation"; renumbering Section 3 of Chapter XVII to become Section 14 of Chapter XII; changing Chapter XX from "Department of Urban Development" to "Planning and Zoning" and renumbering the sections thereof?


Election Date: 10/22/1968

24 Propositions

Proposition #1

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Proposition Language:Shall the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to incorporate all the changes proposed by the City Council of the City of Dallas and to read as set forth in Ordinance No 12271, passed by the City Council on the 16th day of September, 1968?


Proposition #2

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter I of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to provide for the annexation procedures authorized by State Law?


Proposition #3

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter II of the Charter of the City of Dallas in relation to the powers of the City be amended to enumerate the powers provided in the present Charter and authorized by State law, and to further grant authority to expend public funds for public information purposes; to provide for the care of disabled officers and employees; to contract to provide an inter-regional transportation network; to contract with other governmental authorities; to erect and establish houses of correction or rehabilitation facilities; to provide a code of ethics governing all employees and officials?


Proposition #4

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527


Proposition Language:Shall Chapters III, IV and V of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Council members and their election, be amended to provide for an increase in the number of Council members from nine (9) to eleven (11); to provide for an increase in the number of Council Districts from six (6) to eight (8); to provide for a new date for the Council to take office; to provide for an increase in Council members' compensation to $50. per meeting; to provide secretarial assistance to the City Council; to provide for a Deputy Mayor Pro Tern; to provide for election procedures governing elections, referendums, expulsion and recall of Council members; to provide that each qualified voter in the City may vote for a candidate for each Council position; to provide for the payment of a $50 filing fee; and to provide for transferring the office of City Treasurer to the City Council's supervision?


Proposition #5

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527

Renumber IX to X
Proposition Language:Shall Chapters VI and IX of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the City Manager and the Administrative Departments, be amended by designating same as Chapter VI entitled "The City Manager" and Chapter X entitled "Administrative Departments", respectively; by clarifying the duties and responsibilities of the City Manager, his assistants and the Administrative Department Heads subject to his supervision and control?


Proposition #6

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Divide VII into VII and VII
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VII of the Charter of the City of Dallas concerning the Legal Department and Corporation Courts, be amended by dividing same into two chapters, Chapter VII entitled "Legal Department", and Chapter VII entitled "Corporation Courts"; providing for the duties of the City Attorney; providing for his handling legislative matters, court litigation and representing officers and employees of the City in official matters; providing for an increase in the number of Corporation Courts from one (1) to five (5); providing for an Administrative Judge to supervise the administrative operation of the Courts; defining the Courts' powers and jurisdiction; and placing the Corporation Court Clerk under the administration of the City Manager?


Proposition #7

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber VIII to IX
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter VIII of the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended to become Chapter IX entitled "City Auditor"?


Proposition #8

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Renumber X to XI

Renumber XXI to XXI
Proposition Language:Shall Chapters X and XXII of the Charter of the City of Dallas concerning the Revenue and Taxation Department and Assessment and Collection of Taxes be amended by providing for Chapter XI "Revenue and Taxation Department" and Chapter XXIV "Assessment and Collection of Taxes"; providing for the creation of the Department, the position of Director, assistants and employees; providing for the duties of the Director; providing for taxation of property, the levy and collection of taxes, and the manner in which the same shall be assessed and collected; providing for the rendition of property; providing for a Board of Equalization, with alternates, and for taxpayers' appeals thereto; providing for the manner and place of payment; and providing the time when taxes become delinquent and the penalties therefor?


Proposition #9

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Renumber XI to XII

Renumber XXVI to XXVI
Proposition Language:Shall chapters XI and XXVII of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Budget, Financial Procedures and Sales of Bonds, be amended by providing for a Chapter XII entitled "The Budget and Financial Procedure Relating Thereto", and Chapter XXVI entitled "Borrowing Money"; providing for the preparation and submission of the budget, the appropriation ordinance, application of appropriation, expenditures and payment of claims; providing for the authority to borrow money and the issuance of General Obligation Bonds; providing a limit on bonded indebtedness not to exceed ten percent (10%) of assessed valuation; providing for issuance of Revenue Bonds and the purposes for which the same may be issued; providing for refunding outstanding bonds; providing for the issuance of bonds previously authorized; providing for the incontestability of bonds; providing for the execution of bonds maturing not to exceed forty (40) years; providing for a sinking fund for General Obligation Bonds; and providing for the time of opening bids for bonds?


Proposition #10

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XII to XIII
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XII of the Charter of the City of Dallas concerning the Police Department be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XIII entitled "Police Department"; providing for the creation of the Department and position of the Chief of Police, assistants and employees; providing for the duties of the Chief of Police and outlining the same; providing for the appointment and oath; providing for the suspension of police and appeal therefrom; providing for the removal of the Chief or assistants; providing for the authority of the policemen; providing for special police; providing for a penalty for falsely wearing the police uniform or badget [sic]; and providing for additional compensation for continued service?


Proposition #11

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XIII to XIV
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIII of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Fire Department be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XIV entitled "Fire Department"; providing for the creation of the Department and position of Chief, assistants and employees; providing for the duties of the Chief; providing for the appointment and oath; providing for the suspension of firemen and appeal therefrom; providing for the removal of the Chief or assistants; providing for the authority of the firemen; providing for special firemen; providing for a penalty for falsely wearing the Fire Department uniform or badge; providing for additional compensation for continued service; and providing for the destruction of buildings and the exercise of police power?


Proposition #12

Renumber XIV to XV
Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIV of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Public Works Department be amended by designating it as Chapter XV entitled "Public Works Department"; providing for the creation of the Department, the position of Director, assistants and employees; and providing for the duties of the Director?


Proposition #13

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XV to XVI
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XV of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Public Health Department be amended by designating it as Chapter XVI entitled "Public Health Department"; providing for the creation of the Department and the position of Director, assistants and employees; and providing for the duties of the Director?


Proposition #14

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XVII of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Water Works Department be amended by designating it as Chapter XVII entitled "Water Utilities Department"; providing for the creation of the Department, the position of Director, assistants and employees; and providing for the duties of the Director?


Proposition #15

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Divide XX into XVIII and XIX
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XX of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to Franchises and the Supervisor of Public Utilities be amended by dividing it into Chapter XVIII entitled "Public Utilities Department" and Chapter XIX entitled "Franchises"; providing for the establishment of a Public Utilities Department, as an Administrative Department supervised by the City Manager, the position of Director, assistants and employees; providing for the duties of the Director; providing for the issuance of franchises and setting out the franchise procedures and regulations; providing for the contesting of rates and investigative powers; providing for equality of service; providing for forfeiture of franchises and rate hearings; providing for acquisition by eminent domain; and providing for the issuance of private licenses and revocable licenses?


Proposition #16

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber  XXIV to XX
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIV of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the City Plan Commission and Zoning be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XX entitled "Department of Urban Development"; providing for the creation of the Department, and the position of Director, assistants and employees; providing for the duties of the Director; providing for comprehensive planning and urban conservation; providing for a Zoning Commission and the duties thereof; providing for the dedication of property for public use; providing for the creation of a City Urban Development Commission; and providing for alternate members of the Board of Adjustment?


Proposition #17

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XIX to XXI
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XIX of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to Civil Service be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XXI entitled "Civil Service and Personnel"; providing for the organization of Civil Service with a Civil Service Board of five (5) members; providing for the classification of employees thereunder and the adoption of rules and regulations pertaining thereto; providing for promotions, standards of conduct and efficiency and investigative powers; providing for exemptions; providing for probationary periods for new employees; providing for Trial Board hearings; providing for a Personnel System established by the City Council; prohibiting discrimination in hiring; and prohibiting certain political activities and falsification or payment for office?


Proposition #18

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XXII to XXII
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXIII of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to the Park Board be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XXII entitled "Park and Recreation Department"; providing for the creation of the Department and the position of Director; providing for the organization and appointment of a Board of seven (7) members, their powers and jurisdiction; providing for the appointment of employees; providing for police authority; providing for resolution of conflicts; and providing for reports, disbursement of funds, taking of title and execution of instruments?


Proposition #19

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber XXI to XXIII
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXI of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to Ordinances be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XXIII entitled "Ordinances and Resolutions"; providing for the method of passage of ordinances and resolutions, recording of the votes, effective dates, ordinance enrollment, publication and codification; providing that ordinances may be pled as prima facie evidence; providing for the initiative and referendum of ordinances upon petition submitted by a committee of at least five (5) persons within a sixty (60) day period; and providing for the examination and passage of the petitioned ordinance and submission to a vote?


Proposition #20

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber  XXVI to XXV
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVI of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to Condemnation and Special Assessments be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XXV entitled "Public Improvements and Assessments"; providing for the adoption of the State law for the making of street improvement assessments, setting out the procedure for assessing; providing for assessment certificates; providing for an alternate method of paving and improving streets, alleys and sidewalks; providing for the assessments for storm sewers and assignable certificates; adopting the State law as to water and sewer system improvements; and providing for assessments for subterranean improvements?


Proposition #21

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Add XXVII
Proposition Language:Shall the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by adding a new chapter to be designated as Chapter XXVII entitled "Public Contracts"; providing for contract execution, letting of contracts, and public inspection of the bids: providing for emergency spending without contracts; providing for contracting for personal service; providing for change orders on contracts, performance and payment bonds and other bonds required by the Council; providing for bid bonds; prohibiting financial interest of employees or officers; and prohibiting liens and providing for retainages?


Proposition #22

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Add XXVIII
Proposition Language:Shall the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by adding a new Chapter to be designated as Chapter XXVIII entitled "Claims for Damage or Injury"; providing for notice prior to liability for personal injury, injury to real or personal property; providing for notice of defect prior to liability; providing for payment of meritorious claims; providing no liability due to civil disorders; and providing for waiver of notice only by the City Council?


Proposition #23

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Chapter/Section:Renumber  XXVIII to  XXIX
Proposition Language:Shall Chapter XXVIII of the Charter of the City of Dallas pertaining to Miscellaneous Provisions be amended by providing that it shall become Chapter XXIX entitled "Miscellaneous Provisions"; prohibiting officers or employees from accepting gifts from Public Utilities; exempting the City from bonds, execution, garnishment or assignment of wages; providing for the condemnation of dangerous structures; providing for the power to remit penalties; providing for fire limits and building permits; providing for the acquisition of land for park purposes; authorizing the maintaining of public libraries, municipal radio and television stations; providing for designating an official newspaper; providing for City ownership of maps, plans and work products; providing for the appointment, removal and tenure of commissions and boards; providing for bonds of officers and employees; providing for termination notice of Council appointees; providing for local self-government; providing for forfeiture of office by board and commission members; providing for regulation of employees' wages and employment conditions and regulating departmental reports; and providing for severability and saving provisions?


Proposition #24

Proposition Title:  None  
Passed:  YesInternal Ref:  68-5527
Delete XVI

Delete XVIII
Proposition Language:Shall the Charter of the City of Dallas be amended by eliminating Chapter XVI entitled "Welfare Department" and Chapter XVIII entitled "Public Schools", as same have been superseded by State law and Charter provisions?



This section provides links to other City Charters.  It is not the complete list, but it is a good selection of Dallas' charter history.  For further information on City Charters, see the Dallas Municipal Archives site.

1856 (approved February 2, 1856)—This version is a modern, typed copy, not a scan of the original.

1871 (approved April 20, 1871) 

1931 (published in April 1931)

1968 (published in October 1968)


1976 (1973 with 1976 supplements)

1983 with 1985 supplements

2001 (published in May 2001)

2015 (published in February 2015)

The current Dallas City Charter is here.  This link will redirect you from this website.