The Charter of the City of Dallas, Texas, provides for open meetings of the city council at which reasonable opportunity shall be given for citizens to be heard under such rules as the council may provide. The Rules of Procedure establish guidelines to be followed by all persons attending a city council meeting, including members of the city council, administrative staff, news media, and visitors. [City Charter, Chapter III, Secs. 8 and 10]
A person wishing to address the city council must first register with the city secretary and provide the following information: Name, residence address, daytime telephone number, how will you participate in-person or videoconference, the subject matter to be presented, and whether the subject is on the current city council meeting agenda. A person may register in person, online, by electronic mail (, or by telephone (214-670-3738). The earliest a person may register for an upcoming city council meeting is 8:15 a.m. of the next regular business day following the previous city council meeting. The deadline for registering to address the council at a city council meeting is 5:00 p.m. of the last regular business day preceding the meeting. No person may register to speak during an open microphone period more than once within any 30-day period.
REGISTRATION OPENS: THUR., MAR. 6, 2025 AT 8:15 A.M. DEADLINE TO REGISTER: TUE., MAR. 25, 2025 at 5:00 P.M. Note: Videoconference and In-Person Only
NO Registered Speaker's List - due to City Council Recess March 10, 2025 - March 21, 2025
A speaker’s allotted time begins as soon as the speaker reaches the Chamber floor. Attempting to distribute handouts at that time or connecting equipment for presentations will cut into the allotment. Therefore, to ensure City Council meetings and public hearings run smoothly and without unnecessary delay, a review of audio/visual presentations is recommended to confirm technical compatibility.
When possible, handouts should be provided to the City Secretary’s Office by 3:00 p.m. on the business day preceding the meeting in which the individual speaker is registered to speak. In this instance, the handouts will be provided to the City Council at the onset of the meeting. Otherwise, handouts should be given to the Security Officer prior to the start of the meeting, agenda item, or the speaker being called to the podium.
Speakers with audio/video presentations are encouraged to contact the Office of Public Affairs & Outreach at 214-670-1897
or email at no later than one business day before the City Council meeting to schedule a time to check their equipment for technical compatibility with the City’s equipment. If a technical problem is discovered during the meeting with staff, staff will make every reasonable effort to work with the speaker to resolve the particular issue. During the City Council meeting, audio/video presentation set up and technical problems shall count against a speaker’s allotted time.
Please contact the City Secretary's Office if you have any questions on the Speaker Registration
Guidelines at 214-670-3738
or email