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Dallas Animal Services

Pet Limits


​The City of Dallas has pet limits pertaining to the number of dogs and cats allowed in each home. There are no pet limits on other pets such as birds, rodents or fish.

  • If you live in an apartment, duplex, town home etc. (your wall touches another family's wall), you may have up to a total of four (4) dogs and/or cats. 
  • If you live in a single family home on less than a half an acre, the limit is six (6) dogs and/or cats. 
  • If you live in a single family home on more than half an acre, the limit is eight (8) dogs and/or cats. 

These limits do not include puppies or kittens under six (6) months of age or feral cats in a registered feral cat colony.

Reference City Code, Section 7-4.6