Municipal Archives

14-1 Gallery


Marvin Crenshaw*
Marching for 14-1*

Roy Williams*

The First City Council Elected By The 14-1 Ruling​​

Front (left to right) Domingo Garcia, Mattie Lee Nash, Chris Luna, Al Lipscomb, 
Lori Palmer, and Charlotte Mayes.  Back (left to right) Paul Fielding, Don Hicks, 
Larry Duncan, Charles Tandy, Mayor Steve Bartlett, Glenn Box, Max Wells, 
Donna Halstead, and Jerry Bartos (Collection 1994-008)

Roy Williams*
Protesting at a City Hall meeting^
Martin Luther King III and Council Member Al Lipscomb*

Patti Bates and Diana Orozco-Garrett 
at a 14-1 fundraiser*

Diane Ragsdale*

Mailer sent out by Vote Yes for Dallas (Collection 1991-089)

^From Sharing the Power:  A Voter's Voice Special Used by permission from KERA. ​ ​ ​
*Photos courtesy Diane Ragsdale.