Sanitation Services

Multi-Family Recycling

Information For Haulers

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Permitted Recycling Collector Requirements:

The City of Dallas Multifamily Recycling Ordinance requires multi-tenant property owners/managers offer access to either valet, dual stream, or single stream recycling service for their tenants.  The ordinance applies to properties with 8 or more units. 

In addition to offering access to recycling service, property owners and managers must use a permitted recycling collector for recycling collection service. 

To become a permitted recycling collector, business owners/their authorized representatives must:

1. Apply for a recycling hauler permit from the City of Dallas. 

Apply for the permit on the City provided form and pay the associated application fee ($275).  Once a permit is issued, the hauler is required to renew the permit every 12 months and pay the renewal fee ($100). Click here to apply for a recycling hauler permit

2. Provide a specific level of service to clients. 
  • Types of Materials Collected:  Materials collected must be consistent with those accepted in the city's single-family residential recycling program.  Haulers do not have to accept all materials, but they must inform clients of the materials they collect.  Currently, the city's recycling program includes:
    • Containers made of glass, aluminum, metal/tin, and plastics (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7)
    • Paper
    • Cartons, and
    • Cardboard
  • Frequency of collection:  Weekly (minimum)
  • Type of collection:  Collection may be either valet, dual stream, or single stream.  

3. Educate their clients annually and upon contracting on.
  • The hauler’s provision of recycling collection services in accordance with Chapter 18 of the Dallas City Code
  • The types and capacity of recycling containers that may be utilized to meet the client’s minimum capacity needs of 11 gallons per unit. Use this handy Multi-family Recycling Capacity Calculator to avoid overselling the client!
  • Types of recyclable materials accepted by the hauler for transport to materials recovery/recycling processing facility(ies) used by the hauler
  • Additional fees that will be assessed to multifamily properties that exceed the hauler’s allowable contamination rate
  • How to reduce contamination of recyclable materials
  • How to request a recycling audit for materials collected from the property 

4.  Provide color-coded recycling containers with specific signage to clients for use onsite.
  • Containers may be roll carts, bins, wheelie bins, dumpsters, or compactors. 
  • Containers that are more than 2yds may have restricted openings to prevent gross contamination.
  • Unless valet recycling service is offered, container signage must be at least 18" x 12", be affixed to the front of the container, include information or a graphic indicating "No Plastic Bags" and that cardboard boxes should be broken down.  The containers must further include the words "RECYCLING ONLY" in 12" lettering with the chasing arrows symbol and contact information for how to report overflowing or contaminated containers.

5. Transport recyclables collected to a recycling facility authorized to operate in the State of Texas.

6. Submit a Recycling Collector Annual Report by February 1 of each year, beginning February 1, 2021 on a form provided by the City of Dallas.  

The Recycling Colletor Annual Report must include:

  • Business contact information
  • The tonnage of recyclables collected from multifamily properties located in the City of Dallas in the prior calendar year
  • The total average number of units served and the total recycling capacity for multifamily sites served in Dallas
  • Name and location of material recovery facilities/recycling processing facilities utilized in the prior calendar year
  • The recycling hauler's load reject rate as reported by the material recovery facilities/recycling processing facilities utilized in the prior calendar year
  • The recycling hauler's residue percentage rate as reported by the material recovery facilities/recycling processing facilities utilized in the prior calendar year
  • Documentary evidence, if requested, of payment of ad valorem taxes owed on the real and personal property used if the business is located in the City of Dallas; and
  • Any other information that may be reasonably requested by the City of Dallas regarding recycling collection services