What recyclables does the City of Dallas accept?
All of the following items may be placed in your Recycle Ben:
 | Plastics Only bottles & containers with the recycling symbol for numbers 1 - 7.
NO plastic bags, NO Styrofoam products, NO chemical containers |

Glass Bottles and jars of any color For the safety of our collection staff, please contain any broken glass in a paper bag before placing in your cart or blue bag.
NO window glass, NO light bulbs, NO ceramics, NO mirrors, NO Pyrex, NO fiberglass Cartons Refrigerated and shelf-stable cartons
 | Metal Aluminum, tin, and steel containers
NO metal hangers, NO car parts, NO electronics |
| Paper Office paper (paperclips and staples are OK), window envelopes, magazines, catalogues, paper back books, phone books and brown paper bags
NO shredded paper, NO rubber bands, NO plastic wrappings |
Cardboard Shipping boxes, paper egg cartons, 12-pack drink cartons, cereal boxes
NO waxed cardboard, NO plastic or foil lining from cereal or cracker boxes, NO pizza boxes or food contaminated boxes |
Will I need to separate the recyclables?
No, all of your recyclables may be placed in the recycling roll cart together. 
If I live in an apartment or condo, where can I recycle?
Residents of multifamily properties can drop off their recyclables at one of the City's recycling drop-off sites. For more information and a map of locations, Click Here.
Is it ok for me to bag my recyclables and place them in the roll cart of community container?
No, recyclables should be placed into your roll cart or community recycling container without any plastic baggage. Plastic bags are considered contamination.
Many items are hand sorted and some mechanically sorted at the processing facility. Items like plastic bags have to be hand separated and removed before the final sorting process. Plastic bags and film that are missed in the sorting
process wrap around the mechanical equipment at the material recycling facility causing equipment problems and downed processing time.
What should I use to transport recyclables?
Old cardboard boxes and paper bags are pretty useful because they can all be tossed in the roll cart together. Any reusable container can also be used to store and transport recyclables.
Where can I recycle the following items that are not currently collected by the City of Dallas?
Plastic Grocery Bags
– The film used for grocery bags and newspaper sleeves (among other
uses) is not recyclable by our processor at this time. However, many
grocery stores will take back your grocery bags or you may reuse them
yourself. To find the nearest location that accepts plastic bags, Click Here.
Styrofoam – The City of Dallas does not accept Styrofoam products or peanuts. The packing peanuts can be taken to various parcel/shipping businesses for reuse or recycling. Styrofoam may also be placed in your garbage for disposal.
Electronics – Stop, drop and go to one of the city's four drop off e-cycling locations. This service is provided to all Dallas residents at no charge to prevent TV's and computers from going to landfills and illegal dump sites. For more information and other recycling options please Click Here.
Customer Convenience Recycling Center
at McCommas Bluff Landfill Monday – Friday 5 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday 6 a.m. - 4 p.m.
5100 Youngblood Road 214-670-0977 |
Northeast (Fair Oaks) Transfer Station
Wednesday or Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7677 Fair Oaks Avenue
214-670-6126 |
Northwest (Bachman) Transfer Station
Monday - Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
9500 Harry Hines Blvd.
214-670-6150 or
214-243-2670 weekends |
Southwest (Oak Cliff) Transfer Station
Wednesday or Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 4610 S. Westmoreland Road 214- 670-1927 |
Batteries - Alkaline batteries may be placed in your garbage container or you may bring them to BOPA collection events or the City’s Spring and Fall Round round-up events. Rechargeable batteries may be taken to various retailers such as Radio Shack,
Lowe’s and Home Depot for recycling.
Metal Coat Hangers – Currently, the City does not accept coat hangers for recycling. Most local dry cleaners will recycle them.
How do I get a Recycle Ben?
If you've never had a Recycle Ben, you may register by calling 3-1-1, by signing up online via the City's
Service Request system or by emailing your information to dallasrecycles@dallascityhall.com. The City of Dallas will deliver your cart within 2 weeks of the request.
What's my day of collection?
Input your address here or use the new app on the department's homepage for your collection dates, or call 3-1-1 for assistance.
Where do I place my recyclables for collection?
Place your recyclables in your blue recycling roll cart, in the same location (alley or curb) that you place your gray garbage roll cart for collection. Both carts will be picked up on the same day. If you don’t have a blue recycling roll cart, call 3-1-1 and we will deliver one to you at no extra cost.
What if my recycling day falls on a holiday? Will there be a make-up day? How will I be notified of make-up day?
For many of the City of Dallas holidays, Sanitation recycle, garbage, and brush and bulky items collections will continue without interruption. To verify an upcoming holiday's collection schedule, see the Sanitation homepage for a holiday collection service advisory.
Who do I call for roll cart repair?
You may call 3-1-1 to request to report repairs needed. If our crews are unable to repair your cart, we will replace it with a new one.
Who do I contact if I have a problem or questions?
For any recycling questions or concerns, you may contact the City of Dallas "Recycle Line" at (214) 670-4475 or email dallasrecycles@dallascityhall.com.